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Hi guys! Sorry this took so long but I am still on holiday so the next might not be for a few days but I managed to get this done😂😂hope you enjoy💋❤️

[ Emma's pro ]
"... but I can't" I replied looking down.

"Why can't you love her" dede asked confused.

"I fell for her and look what I became. If I let myself open back up to her and she goes back to Chicago then I don't know what will happen to me"

"Emma she wants to move here"

"There's a big difference between want and can"

"Why did you want to talk to me? I know it's not to ask me about why I was there"

"I needed to tell someone about how I feel. I've missed you. Why are you all here by the way? I haven't spoken to any of you in ages"

"Because were a team. We need to get our team back together"

"I missed your inspiration. I'm sorry about the girl I became" I replied looking down.

"You did it out of fear... and no offence but your mother doesn't help"

My eyes teared up. This was partly my fault but it's still hers as well. She helped make me this.

"I know. I just want my dad back. I wanna live with him and not have to deal with my mum. I lied about he vodka. She gave it to me. She told me if the police ask I stole it. I hate her... Regina must hate me. What have I done" I was speaking fast and looking down upset the whole time.

"She doesn't. You know she loves you. Em please for me open up and let Regina in. She was sat there the whole time so worried and when you said for everyone to leave you could see the heartbreak in her eyes" Dede softly said as she place her hand over Emma's and looked at her.

"I know. I was ashamed of myself. I'm just scared to open up because what if it happens again? I open up and she leaves"

Dede shrugged and stood up. She put her hand on my shoulder and kissed my head.

"Take the risk. If you can't for you then do it for her" she simply replied before standing up straight. "Can I send her in"

I nod and looked down. Dede left the room and left the door open. It was silent for a few seconds. I was just looking down. Worrying about what will happen.

"Emma" a soft voice said from the open I  didn't hear her come in. I just smiled slightly and looked down. She came over and sat in the seat. "Are you gonna tell me what happened" she asked softly.

"You left and I felt awful for everything that's happened. I went to my room and started drinking. Then started looking at photos of us and it made drunk me cry. I then drink more until I passed out on the floor"

"You still have those pictures"

"That's what you took from that" I asked frowning.

"Sorry. I'm just... I'm just shocked you still have them. I thought you would have deleted them by now"

"No. There too cute to delete"

This put a smile on Regina's face. I smiled back but it was a sad smile. Tears built up in my eyes and I wanted to kiss her badly.

"Don't cry em. It's ok" she softly said while placing a hand on mine.

"I'm sorry. I've been the biggest bitch since you got back. I've been scared to talk to you. I hate who I am. I need you to fix me"

Regina intertwined our fingers together on the hand closest to her. She looked into my teary eyes and smiled softly. She started singing.

"When you try your best but you don't succeed
When you get what you want but not what you need
When you feel so tired but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse

When the tears come streaming down your face
'Cause you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone but it goes to waste
What could it be worse?

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you

But high up above or down below
When you are too in love to let it show
Oh but if you never try you'll never know
Just what you're worth

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you

Tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you cannot replace

oh and tears come streaming down your face
And I
Tears streaming down your face

I promise you I will learn from all my mistakes

oh and the tears streaming down your face
And I

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you"

A few tears had left my eyes during the song. Everyone Regina wiped away before it reached passed my nose. She now hand my hand held in between both of hers. She kissed it softly and kept it there. Another year left my eyes. Regina moved her soft lips of my hand and let go. I held my arms out signalling for her to hug me. She took the hit and held onto me tight.

"I'm so sorry" I apologise.

"I'm sorry for not coming back sooner"

"Don't you dare ever apologise for something that wasn't your fault. All of this is on me"

"I've missed you" she said as a soft and satisfying sigh left her lips.

"I missed you more" 

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