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Hi guys. So I'm going on holiday for 11 days and might not have time to update while I'm there. If I do I shall but it will be back to normal when I'm home💋❤️

[ Regina's pro ]
"Where did Emma get vodka from? I knew she had beer but not vodka" Maria asked confused to me after I explained what happened.

"I don't know. I got here not long ago" I replied.

"Your best bet is asking dani" Killian suggests.

"Where is she" Maria asked quickly.

"I'll go talk to her" I say walking towards her.

I went over and pushed her backwards away from everyone that was asking her questions.

"What the hell" she snapped.

"Did you buy that vodka for Emma" I cut in.


"DON'T FUCKING LIE TO ME" I cut in again angry.

"IM NOT! I'm worried about Emma. Believe me. I don't know where she got it. Most likely she stole it"

"Emma steals" I question calmly and shocked.

"You know Regina? You blame me for this when it's your fault. Emma would have never turned out like me if you hadn't kissed her then left" dani says looking at me like I'm a piece of dirt.

I punched her in the face knocking her to the floor. She quickly got back up and ran out the hospital with blood running out her nose.

"Well handled" Killian says sarcastically.

I just laughed and went back over to him.

"I hate her" I mumbled annoyed.

"What you staring at" Kat snapped.

I looked round and saw ruby get up annoyed. Kat then got up and they were glaring at each other.

"I ain't staring at you. Why would I want to look at your ugly face for" Ruby replied annoyed.

"Ow you think hats funny huh" Kat growled.

Ruby started walking towards her. Dede rushed over and put her arms in the way just before they got to each other.

"Stop it" She say annoyed.

Killian went over and tried helping. He accidentally knocked Dede out of the way causing robin to get in.

"Don't touch my girlfriend"

"Shut up short ass" Killian says looking down at him.

Robin pushed him back which started them all of fighting. Dede came over to me a little worried.

"Enough" I snapped. They all looked over at me and stopped fighting. "Emma is in the hospital and you all are fighting. Soon we are gonna get kicked out by the way. Also we all use to be best friends. You all need to stop this now"

They all just looked at me. I had tears in my eyes just thinking about Emma. I went to the toilets to calm down.

An hour later we were all sat down in silence. I was in the middle. Dede was one side of me and Killian the other. Robin and Kat were on the same side as Dede. Maria and ruby were the other side. None of us said a word to each other since that fight.

"Emma swan" a doctor asked.

We all stood up and went over.

"Is she ok" I asked.

"She survived but she will have to stay here a few days" he says.

We all sighed in relief. I know she hates me and I can live with that as long as she's alive.

"Can we see her" Killian asked.

"Yes. We have some questions for her mother. Is that you" he asked looking at Maria.

"Yeah. What do you want to ask me"

"Where did Emma get the vodka from ms swan"

"I have no idea. I didn't know she had one let alone two" Maria says looking upset. "Now can I see my daughter"

"Yes but we still have questions to ask you later about this" he says making us all smile a little.

We all followed him to a room. As he opened the door I looked in to see Emma led in the bed. She looked sick and tired.

"Emma" Maria says in relief.

She went over to her and sat by the bed. Emma looked at her and then looked away.

"I don't want to see any of you. I want to talk to Dede" Emma says looking over at us.

"What? Emma I've been waiting to check if your ok for ages" Maria says annoyed.

"Please" Emma begged tiredly.

[ Emma's pro ]
They all left and Dede came over to me. She sat down and I sighed. I fell awful and right now would rather be dead than in this much pain.

"How you feeling" she asked.

"Like shit"

"Where did you get the vodka from"

"I stole it"

"Emma" she says sternly.

"Sorry. Dede the doctor said you found me. Why were you there"

"I came to see if you were ok about Regina being back. I remember when she left and how you were so hurt. Are you ok"

"I drunk so much vodka that I nearly died. Do you think I'm ok" I say sarcastically and annoyed.

"Sorry. Stupid question"

"No I'm sorry. I don't know what happened. Seeing her scared the hell out of me. I nearly died because I was scared she is back" I say worried.

"Why are you scared"

"Because I love her... but I can't"

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