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Today is the court hearing. Dede, Kat, ruby, Killian and robin were all there watching. Both Regina's parents and mum mum are there and so are Regina's sisters. Zelena has hold of Taylor and made sure she was quiet. Me, Regina, jade and Alex were on the left. Daniel, his lawyer and his close friend Issy on the right. Were all in suits. Regina looks great in a pantsuit May I add. The judge was sat in the middle at the top where they usually go.

"I would like to call Daniel to the stand please" Alex says as he is stood by the stand.

Daniel stood up and walked over. He glared at Regina doing so. I want to punch him in the face so bad for just the way he looks at her. He placed his hand on a book an officer was holding. They both held there a hand up next to them.

"Do you swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth" the officer asked.

"I do" he replied before going to sit on the stand.

"So mr stable" Alex starts. "Will you please tell the court your age"

"18. Coming up 19 years old" he simply replied into the microphone on the stand.

"How many children do you have other than the one with Regina mills" Alex asked with the same stern look plastered on his face.

Me and Regina were holding hands underneath the table. Everyone's eyes are glued to Daniel waiting for his answer.

"As far as I know of... 3" he replied looking down.

I don't even feel sorry for him. Why should I? I remain silent and listen to what else he has to say for himself.

"So tell me why you don't bother seeing any of the others but you want to see this one"

"I found out about the other children after they were born and didn't want to intrude on there life" he simply replied.

"But you thought bringing a newly mother and her girlfriend here wasn't doing that" Alex says making me smile slightly.

"Objection" the lawyer says standing up. "That is not a proper question. That's a sarcastic remark"

"Objection. He is asking him a question" Regina say sounding annoyed as she stood up.

"Both of you sit down. Mr Stable answer the question" the judge interrupts.

Regina and the lawyer sat back down. Daniel looked at annoyed at us before back at my uncle. He sighed and thought about his answer.

"Mr stable can you please tell me how you think this is any different to intruding on the other woman's lives" Alex asked rephrasing his question.

"It's not"

"So why are you"

"Because I was hoping maybe I could be a family with Regina. We could try making things work" he admits looking down.

"Objection your honour" I say very annoyed now. I stood up and looked at the judge. "This man knows full well I'm dating Regina and that she is gay"

"You honour I didn't know Regina was gay. She had my child I naturally assumed she was straight or bisexual" Daniel says and I know he's lying.

"Your honour I was drunk when I done that with him but I did tell him the next day I'm gay" Regina says now standing up.

"Order! Order" the judge shouts getting everyone's attention. "Mr swan is there anything you would like to add"

"No your honour. I'm done" Alex says before coming back over to us. He didn't sit he just put his paper work down.

"Daniel you may leave the stand" the judge says as Alex went back over.

Daniel stood up and walked back to his seat not looking anywhere near our direction.

"I'd like to call Regina mills to the stand please" alex asked.

Regina sighed and stood up. She walked to the stand and the officer stood in front of her. She placed her hand on the book and the other in the air.

"You promise to tell the truth and nothing but the truth"

"I do"

She sat down and made herself comfortable. The look on her face shows she's not happy.

"Regina Maria mills" Alex says.

"Yes" Regina replied.

"Why is it you won't allow this boy to see his child"

"Because I don't trust him to be around my daughter. I can't trust being near him without someone there anymore" she bluntly replied.

"And why is that" he asked.

Regina looked up at me with a sad look. She took a deep breath and looked back at Alex. Regina looked scared. As if she spoke she would die.

"Because I have a scar on the back of my neck from where he pushed me into a door out of anger. The day after we had sex he punched me in the face and pinned me against the wall threatening to hurt me badly if anyone found out about what we did that night. When he had come here during my pregnancy he also punched me while my girlfriend was at school. I fell over and hit my bump against the door frame. I was so worried the baby wouldn't be ok" she spoke with only fear in her voice.

I have never heard that story before. This made me shocked and I know everyone watching feels the same. I looked round and saw all Regina's family and our friend looking horrified like me.

"Did you know" zelena asked.

"No. How did she never tell anyone" I asked.

Zelena shrugged and I looked back forward. Regina was looking down scared. I looked at Daniel and he was frowning hard.

"Regina have you ever told anyone that" Alex asked softly.

"No. I told him to never come near me again after that and decided it was time to pay a visit to storybrooke. I was going to tell my friends but I had other things to worry about"

"Regina do you mind showing us the scar on your neck please"

Regina turned around in the chair and lifted her short hair up. I can't see it from where I am but Alex and the judge can. I've seen it before on her neck but she told me she cut it on a branch while walking through the woods.

"Gina" I whisper wondering why she kept that a secret.

"Regina do you believe he will do the same to your daughter if she got on his bad side in the future" Alex asked as Regina sat back forward.

"Yes. I fear not only my safety my for my child. She doesn't deserve to have a dad who does something like that. She deserves to have two mums that love her and would never hurt her"

I smiled slightly at her comment. My eyes are tested up a little just listening to her up there.

"Can you tell the court who that woman is" Alex asked.

Regina looked at me and smiled softly. I smiled back to her and felt so proud of her for being brave up there. She nods her head slightly at me.

"My girlfriend Emma"

"Emma can you stand up" Alex asked looking at me. I did as he asked. "In your honest opinion do you think this man should look after yours and Regina's child after what you just heard"

"In my honest and non bias opinion no. He shouldn't be trusted to look after a baby girl if he threatens the mother of that child to hurt her badly" I replied looking at the judge.

"Regina you may leave the stand" the judge announced. Regina stood up and walked over to me. Alex came back over and they sat down. "Everyone return tomorrow same time to continue. You may all leave"

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