Introduction Prt. 3

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Guess who's back,

back again.


Haha, you wish! Get ready for another 200 imagines over the course of my sophomore year of high school. You'll get to experience my rants and rage quits from society if you continue on reading.

But that's not it.

Yes, we are back for book three of my BTS sibling imagines. Again, this is from a specific story line, so I suggest clicking on my profile and going to the top book below my name and stuff. That's book one, and below it is book two, and then you can get started on this book. Or can just skip to this one, but it seems that I have waited until this book to clarify some stuff dealing with the family, so you might be confused and thrown for a loop. If you are confused even after reading book one and two, please comment your question or pm me and I'll get it answered ASAP!

I know that there will be some sad chapters coming, but I'm going to tell you if they are so you can get a tissue or two or find the nearest bathroom and hide in the last stall before you read it. I don't want my babies to be sad :((.

Also, requests are open! Comment below beside the member you want to request and I'll do my best to complete it! However, there are rules now (really wish i didn't wait until now to enforce the last one)

1. Do not request anything dirty! I will include a curse word if it deals with the chapter or develops a character a bit more, but no smut! A little kissing is ok ig, whatever floats your goat (don't you dare correct me). I created these imagine because every time I stumbled upon a book where Jungkook was my brother, we were making out in the second chapter and I was like "but we're siblings?? incest?? jungkookie, where is your mom??" So please, refrain from your incest fantasies while requesting. (I'm not kink-shaming, but please take it somewhere else)

2. Do not bug me about your request! I participate in three sports. I have schooling that is VERY important to me. I have some family issues going on and I cry every week. Please do not come to me asking about your request if it hasn't been done yet. If it's been a few weeks, yea, say something. If it's been a month, ask what's up and I'll explain. But don't come to me a week afterwards lol. Also, you can request here, on another chapter, on my message board, or PM me. I will always respond someway regarding your request, and if I don't, just tell me again because Wattpad doesn't always notify me. People who requested from the last book and have not seen your imagines: I may have yours finished! It will be published in this book! Don't come for me and my nonexistent weave.

Request below vv:









Maknae Line

Hyung Line

Or special (ex: jungkook and yoongi; the twins (jimin and tae); hoseok and jin and namjoon)

My updating schedule is two chapters on mondays, one wednesdays, two on fridays. There will be special days where I update then, like a holiday or something, but when I do, I'm not changing my schedule. 

I post Reaction imagines on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Don't expect one every week. Maybe one or two a month, since I'm not that skilled with that type of stuff. You can also request one of those.

You can request a cool AU! I have wrote one that wasn't requested, just because I loved it and thought it would be nice to show how much your brothers really love you. (Yes, it's sad, I cried so much. No, no one dies.)

I've started noticing people are writing their own sibling imagines, and I think that's cool! Especially when they come to me and say that I inspired them. I don't know how or what I did that's inspiring, but that's really cute and sweet. HOWEVER, I've noticed that "inspired" has actually meant "i'm just going to copy and paste your imagine and twist a few things" to a few. I've been nice about this and haven't said anything, but I've noticed that it's happened quite a few times. It upsets me and I'm going to have to start asking the authors to take those chapters down. I get that plots and storylines are hard to come up with, but I've worked really hard to perfect this and nail down the age gaps and connect missing links. Please don't take my hard work and make it seem like your own. And if you happen to see someone else doing this and creating works that is oddly similar to my own, tell me! I'll check it out for myself.

The first imagines will be published next Wednesday, August 1st, 2018. There will be two, just to kick off the new book, but after that, there will only be one imagine on wednesday like I said before.

If you think there is anything I can do to improve this book, don't be afraid to suggest it. I'm always open to what my cherubs have to say. You can also message me at anytime, don't be afraid to. I promise I won't bite you unless you're mean. I probably won't even bite you then. I'll probably get someone else to fight you since I'm smol.

Here's some answers to popular questions I get asked in case you were wondering:

1. You can call me Alex or Lexie. I use the name Alex to disguise myself from people who know me so they can't find me as easily. 

2. I'm 15.

3. I'm a girl.

4. Hello

(whoops it's gone again)

i don't take good photos (i'm waiting for my smol bean potato fren to fight me for saying this). i'm going to delete this little pic later and stuff so look at my gross-ness while you can. :)) (i'm sorry it's so big; you'll get to see ALL my pores) (do you guys still ship with who you originally did now and was i even close to what you imagined lol; i have so many questions)

I have a feeling that this might be the last book but i'm not going to go on and on about it because I can feel the rage already DON'T HIT ME I'M SORRY

And yea, that should be it. You are allowed to spam with comments and stuff. That's always fun. Talk to me. I love you cherubs and I get so worried when I noticed someone isn't on for a while. 

I don't own pictures unless I say so. Yes, I own the picture of me up there. 


I'm not stopping you anymore.

Click that button down there when it comes up next week that says "Continue Reading the Next Part"

Welcome to the Kim Household, Kim (Y/N)~

One Sister, Seven Brothers, and Another Set of Memories {BTS}Where stories live. Discover now