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Requested by jayychii. I hope you like it and thank you for requesting!

! Separate AU ; kinda sad? ; kinda crap? all dialogue is the same? !

Also, I've only ever watched the movies of the Hunger Games series, and I kind of didn't bother checking some of the info in this imagine, so if something isn't right according to the books, I'm sorry. I put my own spin on things so :)


You stared at the wall beside you in the dark and watched the shadows from outside reflect on its dull surface. The shadows shifted to form monsters and scary images as your brain churned with turmoil. You swallowed, cowering from the shadows and back into your home of thick blankets. Another body stopped you as your back bumped into theirs and you jumped at the slight touch. The body stirred before you heard your oldest brother's voice cut through the silence as he gently rolled over to hug you. "Go back to sleep, (Y/N), it's just a nightmare." You two shared a bed since your house was too small to hold eight individual mattresses for you and all your brothers. Some of your friends thought it was weird, but it had been that way ever since you were young.

"Oppa, I'm scared," you murmured back, your eyes never leaving the creatures that moved along the wall in the moonlight.

"About what?" Jin questioned, quiet enough not to wake the others that were sleeping in the other mattress across the room. He had one arm slung over you while the other was underneath his head as it rested in his hand.

"Next week," you squeaked. "The Reaping."

Jin sighed. "Don't worry, princess. No one gets picked on their first time in – it just doesn't happen. We've all skated through, (Y/N). This is Jungkook's last year and your first. You two are going to be fine."

You turned your head and looked at him as he loomed protectively over you. "But what if I do get picked?"

You saw his dark figure shake its head. "You won't get picked, (Y/N). I just know it. Now, go back to sleep, princess. It's a week away."

In an effort to remember the great war that had happened years and years ago, the districts in the land in which you and your brothers lived were subject to the Reaping, which eventually led to the main event – The Hunger Games. The Reaping was were a boy and a girl from ages thirteen to eighteen were chosen within each of the twelve districts to fight to the death in the Games. Only one could survive and win the title as the champion, meaning all of the other twenty-three competitors would have to die either from fighting or natural causes as they tried to stay safe within the arena. You had just turned thirteen, meaning you were eligible and had to enter your name in the drawing for a chance to be chosen. Jungkook was still, unfortunately, eighteen, so he still had to enter despite being a few months away from being nineteen.

It was a tragic tradition that had no end. For most of the duration of your teen years, you would be subject to the drawing that made everyone tremble. It was like a lottery of death – whoever won had the most sought-after prize: death. Of course, being just thirteen, you were scared to die. And you could only picture yourself in the arena you had seen on a screen every year as you bit your fingernails in anxiety bleeding out for the whole world to see. You didn't want to be whisked away from the security your brothers provided you with on a day-to-day basis.

The next day, your younger brothers took you for a walk. You held the twins' hands as Jungkook walked slightly behind, kicking at stray pebbles that stuck up a little too far from the ground.

"So, I was thinking maybe I could buy some pretty white flowers for you to wear next week. You're supposed to look your best, so we'll get you dressed up," Taehyung said as you four walked down the dirt path that went through town. The way your brothers acted about The Reaping disgusted you sometimes – since they had gone through without being picked, it was as if it didn't matter to them. But the more you thought about it, maybe only those affected really care. You had never been scared of it before, despite having family members in the drawing. Funny how humanity works.

One Sister, Seven Brothers, and Another Set of Memories {BTS}Where stories live. Discover now