Scary Dreams

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Requested by Fan_girl109. I hope you like it and thank you for requesting!


You tossed and turned in your sleep before sitting up, your eyes wet with tears. You looked around your dark room, seeing the shadows shift into monsters right in front of you. You squeaked, before grabbing your stuffed animal and jumping out of the bed. You ran down the hall to your oldest brothers' room. Jin wasn't home tonight, so you settled for the next best thing – Yoongi.

"Oppa," you whined, quickly hopping over to his bed. You climbed onto the mattress and slid under the covers. You wiggled yourself close to your brother who murmured in his sleep.

"I'll get up in a minute," he yawned as he rolled over. He subconsciously wrapped you in his embrace and hugged you close to him.

You felt better just having him hold you, and your eight-year-old mind began to forget about the nightmares that were troubling you. "You can go back to sleep."

"Okay," he muttered. The room fell silent once again and you felt your eyelids get droopy. Before long, they shut, and you fell into a deep sleep with dreams about unicorns and fairies.


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