Sleep Paralysis

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Requested by -tanie and softyhugs. I hope you like it and thank you for requesting!


It was early in the morning when you woke. Your eyes fluttered open and you went to roll over and go back to sleep, but you realized you couldn't. It was as if something was holding you back. Your eyes wandered around the dimly lit room and you felt your heart beat begin to quicken. What's going on? You thought. Why can't I move?

You looked around before decided it would be best to just close your eyes and go back to sleep. However, a presence beside you made you feel like you needed to stay awake. Something is here, you told yourself. You felt a panic surge through your body. What if it was a murderer? Or a demon? You struggled against the invisible forces holding you in place. You wanted to run and hide. But why couldn't you get up?

After what seemed like a thousand years of just sitting there, waiting for the ghost or serial killer beside you to show themselves, you finally jerked up. Just a minute or two had passed in reality, but you were so scared. You jumped out of bed, tumbling onto the floor, and ran to the light to flick them on. Once you did, your eyes searched your bedroom for some weird shadow figure. But the only thing you saw was Taehyung, who had been sleeping peacefully beside you.

"Is it morning already?" he murmured, yawning and stretching. He looked at your alarm clock and made a disapproving sound. "Princess, why are we up at 3AM?"

You sighed, realizing that the spooky presence beside you was just your brother. First, you mistake him for a clown, and now he's a demon? You really need to get your eyes checked. "I just got scared."

Taehyung yawned before laying back down. "Well, come back to bed and I'll fight off the scary ghosts for you."

You would've smiled if you weren't so out of it, so you just flicked the lights back off and jumped into bed before cuddling with your brother.


here's modern day sailor moon btw

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here's modern day sailor moon btw. my goal is to do all the sailor scouts but sailor mercury looks like crap and i'm a little discouraged lol

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