Locked In

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Requested by GucciTaeTae13. I hope you like it and thank you so much for requesting!


At the age of four, you were able to go to the potty all on your own. You had finally grasped the concept of wiping, flushing and washing your hands and your parents were finally letting you use the bathroom without any assistance. So, at home, you didn't even bother telling anyone that you were going to potty because you were a big girl that didn't help.

However, your siblings all told you to lock the door whenever you used the potty. "Jin-hyung likes to walk in when his siblings use the bathroom, (Y/N/N)," Yoongi told you.

The mentioned fifteen-year-old scoffed. "Okay, maybe when I was her age, but not now."

"You should still lock the door," Taehyung said and showed you the lock on his bedroom door. "It's like this in all the bathrooms, so whenever you need to use it, you just turn it." He turned the lock like he instructed, a click ringing out. "And to unlock it, you turn it the other way." Taehyung unlocked the door, another click was heard and he opened the door. "See?"

So, one day when you had your big girl pants on, went to the bathroom without telling anyone. You locked the door behind you before using the potty, proud you didn't have to have anyone help you anymore. When you were done, you cleaned up, before going to the door. You remembered you had locked it and tried to unlock it, but the lock wouldn't budge. You began to panic and tear up, but you kept trying to unlock the door. Little did you know that you were turning it the wrong way. You finally gave up, falling to the floor on your bottom in distress. "Eomma!" you cried, afraid no one would hear you.

Hoseok, who was passing by, heard faint crying. "Dongsaeng?" He kept walking, hearing the voice get louder as he proceeded down the hall. When your crying voice was at it's loudest, he stopped and peered at the door beside him. The bathroom. Hoseok turned the knob, only for it to stop before it could open. "Dongsaeng, Hobi can't get in and help you if you lock him out," he said.

You sniffled. "I can't get it to open, oppa." The reality of you saying this made you cry harder.

Hoseok tried the door again, but to no avail, as he expected. "Turn the lock, dongsaeng."

"I did!" you wailed from behind the door.

Hoseok sighed and stood on his tiptoes feeling around above the door for the key. Only there wasn't one. Hoseok frowned and kneeled down, pushing his fingers under the crack of the door. "You want to hold Hobi's finger? Until someone comes?"

You nodded, though he didn't see you, and Hoseok felt your little fingers wrap around his large one. You sat there for a minute before footsteps were heard.

"This is the one from upstairs, but I don't know if it'll work," you heard Jungkook state. His older brother had texted him what had happened and to get a key from upstairs.

"Kookie-oppa," you whined, still gripping your older brother's finger. Just holding it made you feel at peace in your current situation like there wasn't a door in between you and the safety your brothers provided.

"Dongsaeng, Hobi is going to open the door, okay? So I need you to let go," Hoseok told you. He felt your fingers loosed from their grip and disappear before he raised up and stuck the key in, turning it. He took the key out and tried the knob. When you saw the door crack, you pushed through and into your older brother's arms. Hoseok grinned. "There's Hobi's dongsaeng!"

From then on and until you were nine or so, you didn't lock the bathroom door ever again, too afraid of the one time you did. 


i hope you liked it!

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