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Requested by Kookies_Jamz. I hope you like it and thank you for requesting!


Separate AU: When you go through a teen pregnancy.


Jin's really taken aback by it

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Jin's really taken aback by it. He's disappointed in equally you and himself. Had he not prepared you enough for life? Had he not done his job as an older-brother-now-parent? He doesn't really know what to say at first but tells you that he won't raise your kid for you, but he'll help you out if you need it.


Yoongi's kinda ticked

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Yoongi's kinda ticked. He's a lot like his older brother in the way he acts, though. He doesn't understand why you had put yourself in a situation that led to this. He wants to say things like "I thought you were smarter than this" or "We taught you better" but he decides not too, seeing how in distress you are yourself. Instead, he just sighs and doesn't say anything.


By the time you told Hoseok, you were in tears

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By the time you told Hoseok, you were in tears. You were doubting yourself and you knew that one of your siblings was bound to disown you or shun you or something. When you broke the news to Hoseok, he gave you hug, showing that nothing was going to change between you and him. "It's not a good thing," he replied truthfully, "but it's a good thing you have me as your brother. If you ever need anything, come ask me, okay?"


You told Namjoon that you were scared

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You told Namjoon that you were scared. You told him that you always came to him when it came to things like this – things that made you want to hide under your bed for forever. You told him that you thought after this he wouldn't want to be there anymore. "I'm not going to do that, kiddo," he said, giving you a hug. "I'll always be here when you want to talk. You're a smart girl and I know this setback won't knock you totally off course." "It's a baby, though." "That's I didn't say 'minor setback.'" You felt a little reassured by his words and hoped that he would live up to them.

Jimin and Taehyung:

"Hey, don't cry," Jimin cooed as you head laid on his shoulder

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"Hey, don't cry," Jimin cooed as you head laid on his shoulder. "It'll be okay. It's going to be a lot, I know, but I know you got it." His twin nodded. "If you need anything, you can call us, okay? It's scary, but you have us with you." You asked if they were disappointed in you and they sighed. "It's a lot to take in right now, (Y/N)," Taehyung said. "I'm sure we're all a little confused at the moment so our thoughts are a little hazy, but I'm sure after a little time passes we'll get a better grip on things." "And if the others want to banish you, just be reassured that you have us, okay?" Jimin reassured. "We might say things you don't want to hear regarding this situation, but just know that we love you and it's all for your sake. We just want to look out for you."


You thought it'd be better to tell Jungkook when you told someone else in case he exploded, but you had to settle for just telling him when he was alone

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You thought it'd be better to tell Jungkook when you told someone else in case he exploded, but you had to settle for just telling him when he was alone. He was sitting on his bed sorting through different papers about different clubs and camps his college was offering when you came in to tell him. After you broke the news to him, you were a sniffling mess as you watched him ponder what this meant. "Well, I guess it's a good thing that I plan to stay with you for a while," your brother said, giving you a shaky smile. You asked him why and he gave you a little shrug. "Just in case one day the dad wants to come back and pull some crap about taking the baby back or something. I don't know, those shows on TV are crazy about these things." Jungkook went quiet for a second before looking up at you. "Were you scared to tell me?" You hesitated before nodding and he gave you a sad look before he reached forward and hugged you. "You don't have to be. Ever." He squeezed you tightly before letting go. "And honestly, I think I'm a little more understanding than the others."


please don't comment joking about safe sex because um, everyone needs to be educated in this aspect and shows on tv that shows girls getting pregnant at 16 make it seem like a cakewalk. it's not. i personally haven't experienced it, but one of my childhood friends got pregnant and it's a total mess dealing with the dad because they're not together anymore. this girl at my school that got pregnant wasn't allowed to walk down the aisle at graduation (but i do go to a more "proper" school so). i do get that there are situations you know like there are some things you can't control and life just happens, and if you want to have a kid at a young age, just make sure you're in the right financial setting (??) or something... stability!! make sure you have stability. i know babies are cute (actually i kinda disagree but that's just me lol) but they're a responsibility. 

i really have no place to talk about this lol so take what i say with a grain of salt. i'm only 16 lol, not a 40-year-old mother who blogs for a living. but please be safe out there :) i just wanted to put my two cents in hehe. i really think the school system sucks because a lot people i know don't get taught these things and it needs to be said, you know? 

i love you guys and I'm sorry if my words weren't needed but whoops

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