Noona (Part Three)

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Yoongi had asked if you could take him to meet some of his friends before you went to work for the day. Despite being twenty-two, he relished in the freedoms you gave him – primarily the fact that you were a softy and didn't force him to drive himself wherever he wanted. So when you found him racing down the stairs to catch you before you left, you didn't bat an eye and told him he didn't even have to ask.

The car ride was quiet at first. The music was on a low volume, playing alternative pop music that Yoongi cringed every time he heard you play it around the house. He never verbally complained about it, but you knew how much he despised the genre just from the face he'd make when you'd teasingly turn the volume up as high as your phone would allow you. Despite your "poor taste" in music, Yoongi allowed his mind to wander off.

He had just graduated from college with a simple degree in business. He hadn't really given much thought to the major, but he figured he might need it if he was going to be working at the company your family owned. However, he knew his heart was devoted to music, thus why he never verbally expressed how he hated your playlists. He knew that music spoke differently to everyone and to him, it told him he needed to pursue a career in it. He expected you to tell him to sign some papers and get to work with you and Jin at the company, but he didn't yet know how to break it to you that he wasn't sure if he even wanted to do that. He was afraid you'd be disappointed or even upset at his decision. He wanted to ask for your permission, and now that you were already in a good mood judging from the way your fingers tapped the steering wheel along to the beat of the low music, he figured now would be a good time to ask.

"Noona, can I ask you something?" Yoongi asked, looking over at you innocently.

You glanced over at him, a small smile on your face. "Of course. What's up?"

"Well, you know how you always talk about me working with you and Jin-hyung?"

You nodded. "Uh-huh. What about it, Yoongi?"

Yoongi sighed. "What if I don't want to?"

He half expected you to swerve the car so he'd bang his head against the window in an attempt to slap some sense into him. "No, you're working at the company, and that's final, Yoongi," you'd say, giving him a stern look from the driver's seat. And that would be the end of that. He already had a music room back at the house, but he would always say that it was just a "side hobby." But he didn't want it to be anymore.

"That's fine," you said sweetly, surprising your brother.

"You're not mad?" Yoongi was shocked. He was for certain that you'd be upset with him. Of course, he hadn't told you what he wanted to do instead, so as far as you knew, he could want to go into some other well-respected career and not music.

"Why would I be mad?" you asked, incredulous. "I know you want to go into music, so why should I stop you?"

"I never said I wanted to go into music," Yoongi murmured.

You scoffed. "You really think I wasn't catching on? Why would you dedicate a whole room focusing on music if you didn't want to make a career out of it?" You stopped at a stoplight and looked over at your brother. "I knew you'd say something sooner or later, and I'm here to tell you that regardless of what you do, you're still going to be my little brother. I don't care if you're a CEO or a garbage collector. I'm always going to support you in whatever you do."

Yoongi looked at you, feeling an overwhelming sense of love and understanding. He really didn't expect you to act like this. "So, if I become a rapper, you'd be okay with it?"

"Um, duh," you exaggerated. "You guarantee I'm buying all your CDs and making sure your concerts are sold out."

Your brother grinned that signature smile of his and you knew he was happy with your true words. You couldn't be prouder of him for finally acknowledging his own interests instead of putting others' in front of his. "You don't have to do that. You can come for free."

"As if," you chuckled. "I'm going to support you in every way I can." You pulled up to a house that belonged to one of your brother's friends. You recognized the two that were standing outside, shooting a few hoops as they waited for their friend to join. "You didn't have to worry about me shaming you, Yoongi. Just because you're going to do something different, doesn't mean I'm going to think you're crazy for going against the grain." You looked out the window past your brother and one of the boys waved at you. You waved back before looking at your brother with an embarrassed look. "Why do you still hang out with him?"

Yoongi shrugged, giving you a cheeky grin. "Because he's my friend."

"He flirts with me every time he sees me and it's weird," you cringed, recalling all the times he'd visited the house and greeted you first, not your brother. It only got worse when you realized Yoongi had encouraged him to embrace his feelings of affection toward you. After that, you suddenly became an expert liar as every time you saw Yoongi's friend, you would come with excuses as to why you had to bolt.

Yoongi unlocked the car and gave you an amused look. "But it's top-quality entertainment for me. Don't you want me to be happy?"

You frowned. "Get out of my car, you dimwit."

He leaned over and gave you a kiss on the cheek – something most of your brothers did as a good-bye. "Thank you, noona." He hopped out of the car, slamming the door shut behind him. As he approached his friends, he looked back to you and waved good-bye, signaling that he was okay and you were free to go.


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