Not So Friendly Argument

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Requested by GeliMaldonado. I hope you like it and thank you for requesting!!


"Hobi honey," your mom called from the kitchen when she saw her son pass by the doorway. "Come here."

Hoseok perked up and sidestepped into the kitchen, adjusting the backstraps on his shoulders. He walked up to his mom who was preparing dinner. It required a heavy amount of preparation, so she was already getting started at the time her kids were sent home from school. "Yes, eomma?"

His mom sat the utensils she was using down on a plate before she turned to her son. A concerned look was spread across her face and Hoseok was worried she was going to ask why his grade in PE wasn't doing too well. He was prepared to tell her that he just wasn't good at basketball and that no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't dribble. "Can you do me a favor and see why our little (Y/N) is upset? She wouldn't talk to me when I picked her up from preschool and I thought you could use some of your magic to cheer her up." His mom pinched one of her son's cheeks before smiling. "I know she likes it when you cheer her up."

Hoseok grinned. "Of course!" So he got out of explaining his poor PE grade and instead, had an opportunity to share some of his positivity to his little sister.

The third oldest bounded up the stairs, raced down the hall, and tore through your room. He quickly shut the door behind him and plopped down on the floor in front of you where you sat crying. His hair flopped with him, making you giggle as it seemed so comedic to see his soft, brown locks copy his actions.

"Why is Hobi's dongsaeng upset?" he wondered out loud. He had recently taken up asking you things in the third person. He wasn't sure if you liked it, but it made his brothers annoyed so he kind of had a reason to keep it up. "Tell your oppa what's wrong."

You sniffled, holding one of your stuffed animals to your chest. You sat quietly for a moment before you looked up at your brother. "Do you like playing with me?" you asked, a slight lisp in your speech as you had recently lost a couple of front teeth.

Hoseok nodded eagerly, his hair swishing back and forth with fervor. "Who doesn't like playing with Hobi's dongsaeng? She's only the best player, ever."

You gulped before you started sobbing. Hoseok grimaced at your cried before taking you into his arms and slightly rocking you gently. He rubbed your back, something his parents used to do when he was a small child. The small action had always soothed him and he hoped it would do the same for you. "Did someone tell Hobi's dongsaeng that she's not the best player ever?"

You nodded against his chest and he dramatically gasped. "Well, (Y/N), you just have to ignore them. They obviously don't know what they're talking about."

"(Y/Friend's/N) told me that she didn't want to play with me or my dolls," you cried. "She said they weren't pretty enough."

"She wouldn't know pretty if it slapped her in the face," Hoseok huffed before squeezing you tightly in his embrace. "Do you want to play with Hobi? Hobi will play with you and your dolls as much as you want."

You sniffled before looking up at him, your soft (E/C) eyes staring at his. "You will?"

Hoseok grinned and nodded. "Anything for my dongsaeng," he replied kindly.

You looked back down, your head still resting against his chest. You sat still for a moment before you looked back up at your brother. "So you think my dolls are pretty?"

Hoseok feigned shock. "Uh, yeah. I mean, they're not a pretty as my precious dongsaeng, but yes." His words made you blush, but you couldn't respond for he hoisted you into the air and plopped you on your bed. "Let's not waste time, (Y/N)! We have to play before eomma tells me to do my homework."


i hope you liked it! writing smol hobi is lowkey my favorite :3

also, all my bts sims aged up to teens and i tried my darndest to make them look right but i'm not a plastic surgeon lol. hands down, tae looks the best

*i'm not posting the pics bc i'm embarrassed lol y'all prolly think i'm weird*

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