Bird Box

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Requested by -lushttaeng. I hope you like it and thank you for requesting! 

i lowkey cried during this whole thing even when it wasn't sad sooooo

i also recommend maybe looking up what the movie bird box is about so you're not confused when you read!


You squeezed your eyes shut, the wind blowing around you rapidly and whispering things to you menacingly. "Stop it," you cried. "Go away. You're not fooling me like you fooled my brother."

"(Y/N)!" the wind called. It sounded like your oldest brother, Jin. But you knew better. "Open your eyes! It's just me! See?"

You shook your head, falling to your knees as you began to feel weak. You were panicking. What if it really was Jin? What if he needed your help and you were too scared to realize it? You pushed the thought out of your head and put your hands over your eyes. "No. You're not my brother."

"Come on, (Y/N)!" the wind answered. This time it sounded like Hoseok. "It's only us. You're safe. We would never lie to you."

Tears burned from behind your eyelids, images of the past couple years flickering by in your brain. You hiccupped. You stopped arguing with the wind. There was no point. You were lost with no way back. You began to cry harder. Is this what Taehyung felt? Was he scared and alone, trying to stay put together? Did he go crazy and finally look, thinking we were actually there? The sound of skin and cloth tearing echoed in your ears. If only you had gotten to him sooner.

You felt arms wrap around you. "It's me, I swear," a disheveled voice reassured. "I promise you. Don't look."

You swallowed, your blubbering sobs beginning to settle down. How long had you been gone? You felt a hand grab the belt around your waist and you felt something latch onto it. You assumed it was the clip you and your siblings had. Each one of you had a couple of pairs of clips that were tied together by a thick string. You had them to hang on to each other, so your hands would be free to feel around for things. You normally had bandanas to shield your eyes, but they were always getting blown or knocked off, leaving you to hope your eyes wouldn't fly open at any point.

You and Jimin felt your way back to the small house you guys were staying at. Jimin had found the string that helped lead you to the area. It had apparently been torn where you had wandered off to, so when you had been feeling around for it, you couldn't find it. You two soon came to some creaky stairs, and you walked up to the porch before knocking rhythmically, signaling to those inside that there wasn't an intruder outside – just you and Jimin.

The door unlocked and you two shuffled in quickly, slamming the door behind you in a hurry and locking each of the several locks. You both waited a few seconds before you heard Jin give the okay. You cracked your eyes open and were met with the dark interior of the house. You unclipped yourself from Jimin, who threw his bandana to the side, his cheek flushed red from the cold.

"I thought I was a goner," you cried, hugging Jin in front of you. "I thought I was going to end up like Taehyung."

"Nonsense," Jin stated. "We would have found you, come hell or high water."

Jimin nodded. "You stopped talking and I thought I wouldn't be able to find you. But then you started crying and I felt a bit better. I can't lose you and Taehyung. No way."

Hoseok came out of the kitchen, holding a bowl full of berries. "Let's not dwell on the past, okay? We have to keep going forward. They'd want us to."

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