Reactions (Prt. 12)

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Requested by _laceafier_. You've changed your username, and I can't find you, but I hope you still like it! Thank you for requesting!


When little (Y/N) is afraid of her shadow.


Jin thinks it's pretty adorable and funny when he sees you squeal and try to run away from your shadow displayed on the concrete

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Jin thinks it's pretty adorable and funny when he sees you squeal and try to run away from your shadow displayed on the concrete. He immediately knew what was up since Taehyung had been the same way when he was little. And yes, you can bet that he comforted you when you came crying to him about the dark creature following you. "It's just your shadow, princess. It's not going to hurt you. Eomma used to tell Tae that it's actually your guardian angel protecting you!"


When you ran up to Yoongi freaking out about the monster following you, he couldn't help but laugh

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When you ran up to Yoongi freaking out about the monster following you, he couldn't help but laugh. He would hate to admit that the sight was pretty adorable as you instantly made a B-Line as soon as you saw your shadow in front of you. And your siblings would laugh when they saw Yoongi make it seem like your shadow was a monster that was coming to eat you. "It's scared of me, so whenever you see it, come to me, okay? It'll run off, I promise."


Hoseok would freak out with you, just to create a few extra laughs

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Hoseok would freak out with you, just to create a few extra laughs. "Where's the ghost? Dongsaeng, you know how scared Hobi is of ghosts! Why did you come to me?" And when you told him that you thought he could save you, he'd pick you up and whisk you away to where the sun couldn't create a shadow. You'd then burst his bubble and say that he had a shadow since he was in the sun instead, and he'd have a meltdown just to make you smile.


Namjoon was actually a little confused as to what you meant by "the dark, scary person behind you

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Namjoon was actually a little confused as to what you meant by "the dark, scary person behind you." From what he saw, there was no such thing following you. Jungkook was running around, but you weren't mistaking him for some weird satanic ghost, were you? And then when you pointed to your silhouette on the ground, he chuckled and pinched your cheek. "The only bad shadows are the ones who belong to evil people. And since you're such a cutie, yours is the same!"


Jimin would just giggle before trying to explain that it was okay and not some weird spirit coming for you

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Jimin would just giggle before trying to explain that it was okay and not some weird spirit coming for you. He'd take you out into the sun and gesture to his own, doing weird hand motions to explain that it was pretty much just his reflection. "See? There's nothing bad about it, sis!" You still wouldn't be convinced, but you made Jimin promise you that he'd be there when the weird "shadow" came back.


Taehyung would think it was adorable, like all your other siblings, but he would take it a step further

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Taehyung would think it was adorable, like all your other siblings, but he would take it a step further. Whenever your shadow was displayed on the ground, he'd rush over and pick you up, turning you to where you couldn't see it. "See, it's gone! Just like that!" When he didn't get there in time, he'd pretend to growl at it and chase it away, while pushing you out of the sun's ray so it would disappear. You began to think your brother was working with some sort of magic.


Jungkook would just laugh and make fun of you as you screamed and cried at the weird creature following you around

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Jungkook would just laugh and make fun of you as you screamed and cried at the weird creature following you around. When you saw that no one was coming to save you and your only hope was laughing his butt off, you'd stop trying to run away and just tell yourself that maybe if you didn't struggle, the monster would hurt less. However, Jungkook began to feel bad as this sight, so he'd just walk over to you and block the sun, shielding you in his shadow. "Is that better, (Y/N)?"


i hope you LOVED it

***i've been getting in trouble for saying liked and loved***

stop scolding your mom lol

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