Baby Nightmares

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Requested by That_Unicorno. Thank you so much for requesting and I hope you like it!


Your eyes scanned the dark ceiling above you as you laid still under your soft blankets. The teddy bear sitting beside you that normally brought you comfort was nothing compared to your scared thoughts. You were just a little into your third year of life and you rarely had nightmares. However, something during the night spooked you and you had woken up, trembling in the dark in the confined bed of your crib. You sniffled before pulling yourself up, tears falling down your eyes. "Kook," you cried, patting the bars of your crib. "Kook!"

Your youngest brother, Jungkook, was fast asleep in his bed beside your crib. He was snuggling his favorite stuffed animals, his body exposed to the chilly room since he had kicked his blankets off during the night.

You called for him a few more times before you sat down on your crib, feeling abandoned. You cried oh so hard, your face scrunched and nose running. You felt alone and scared.

Your crying wound its way through Jungkook's ears and into his brain. He murmured in his sleep, his dream being interrupted by a wailing. And soon, he sat up, wiping his eyes. "Huh?" He looked over at your crib and quickly turned on his lamp before stumbling to your crib. "(Y/N/N? What's wrong?"

You looked at him through the bars of your crib before reaching towards him. "Kook," you cried, your chubby cheeks red and wet.

Jungkook went to grab you but he hesitated. What if his parents got onto him for taking you out of your crib? What if they tell him that a nine-year-old isn't careful enough to get a little three year old out of their crib.

Screw it.

Jungkook reached into your crib and picked you up. He felt your little arms wrap around his neck as he tried to support you in his arms. His pajama shirt began to feel wet as you wiped your wet face on it. He felt you grab his collar and hold onto it. You made a few baby noises before your tears subsided and you sat in your brother's arms, quiet and still.

"Are you done?" he asked.

Of course, you didn't answer, but you did raise up to your best ability and gave him one of your signature puppy dog kisses. He grinned and copied your actions, licking your cheek and making you giggle.


i hope you liked it!

i was also wondering how many of you guys remember my book "possessed" hehe

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