Skipped Tournament

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Requested by whylifehard. I hope you like it and thank you for requesting!


After not being played all day at one of the biggest tournaments in the region, you had decided to not show up to the next one. It was a risky move for sure, but considering how you could care less about volleyball now, you didn't think anything about it. Yoongi had praised you for the decision and decided that you two could go out for the day. When the assistant coach asked who couldn't make it to the tournament, you had raised your hand and said that you had a bowling tournament instead. They all knew you bowled, so she shrugged it off and wished you luck. It wasn't totally a lie, since the day after the tournament, you did have to bowl, just not a tournament. It was just a little white lie, no biggie.

Yoongi kept his promise and you two went and ate lunch together before you and a few others went to the mall. No one texted you asking you where you were at or how the bowling tourney was going. When the day was over, you didn't feel bad at all. You felt refreshed and happy you didn't have to sit on the bench all day long.

When you went back to school the following week, your teammates filled you in how everything went.

"We did awful! Wish you could have been there to save the day, (Y/N/N)."

"We honestly would have done a lot better if you had been there."

"We didn't place last, but we were dang close."

Not only did you hear all the negative thoughts about the day, but you also heard that your coach had played the varsity team for the JV team (even though having a varsity team in this tournament was illegal) and the JV as the freshman team. When you went home, you told Yoongi about this.

Your brother sighed. "You really wouldn't have been played then."

"I know," you agreed. "So I'm glad you convinced me to skip."

"You're just saying that because I bought you lunch," Yoongi snickered, ruffling your hair.

You shrugged. "Eh, maybe that's part of it."

You didn't skip any more games as the season progressed. You felt like maybe your voice had been heard, but you were still a bench-warmer on varsity. All your other friends got to play, so you would just sit there at the end of the bench, hoping you'd be lucky enough to even play for just a minute. However, one day, while you were warming up, your coach came over to you and started up a conversation.

"So, do you remember that one day you skipped because you had a bowling tournament but you actually didn't?" he asked, peering at you from behind his glasses.

Your stomach did a flip, but being the youngest of eight kids, you had perfected the act of lying. "Um, I don't think so," you answered. "The tourney I missed that one day was because of a bowling tournament that weekend. I had to travel."

Your coach looked you over and blinked. "Okay," he stated simply and walked off. Your lips formed a line as you looked for your brothers in the stands, hoping there would be a reason for you to escape the awkward aura around you. Sure enough, Hoseok was waving a water bottle at you, grinning. You scurried over and grabbed it.

"You look like you've seen a ghost," Namjoon commented when you came over.

"He knows I didn't have a bowling tournament that day when I skipped," you hissed, looking past Namjoon to Yoongi.

Yoongi shrugged. "And?"

"I just had to lie to him again," you growled.

"It's not like he hasn't lied to you," Jungkook said.

"Yeah, he said you'd get to play varsity but I don't think sitting bench counts as playing," Jin agreed.

You looked back at Yoongi and he shrugged yet again. "Two can play at the game he's pulling. You're lucky you have seven allies, though."

"Are you scared you'll lose your spot on the team because he knows?" Jimin asked you.

You slightly nodded. "But I shouldn't because I wasn't getting played to start with."

"Just don't even bother anymore," Yoongi stated. "Skip another game and when he asks, just say you weren't adding anything to the team anyway."

"Yeah, you're literally just sitting there," Taehyung noted.

You looked behind you to see your team starting to huddle up. "I got to go. We'll talk about this later." And off you went, stepping down the bleachers and running over to your team.



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