Scary Stories (Part Two)

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"Okay, okay. This one is actually going to be scary. Let's call this one... 'The Other World.'"


Jungkook yawned as he stepped into the hallway outside his shared room. The dark hallway was eerie as not a sound could be heard. He began to make his way to the bathroom when the door opened. Your youngest brother prepared for some creature of the night to walk out of the bathroom, but instead, it was you. Not much of a difference, he thought. "What are you doing up?" he asked

You jumped, not expecting anyone to be awake. "Geez, don't scare me like that. You're lucky I just peed or else I would've made you clean it up."

Jungkook rolled his eyes but didn't say much else and he pushed himself past you and into the bathroom.

"Hey, can I show you something when you're done?" you asked when shut himself in the room where the toilet was.

You heard him hum behind the door. "Did your computer fry? I told you to stop letting it sit on cloth when you play your silly games."

"No, no," you dismissed. "Um, there's just something downstairs I want you to see. We gotta hurry, though."

The door opened and your brother looked done. "Why? Is it going to leave soon?"

You frowned. "Just come with me. I'll explain on the way there."

You two walked down the hall, your footsteps padding softly against the hardwood floor. When you reached the stairs and started your descent, you began to explain just as you said you would. "So, one night, I was just wandering around to try to get to sleepy because you know me. And I came across this door that's normally never there. The next night, I came back and it wasn't there. So, every night I kept coming back at different times and I finally narrowed it down. It only appears between three and four in the morning. Spooky, right?"

"The witch's hour," Jungkook murmured. "When I looked at the clock before I went to pee, it said-"

"3:48. That's the time right now. We need to hurry before it vanishes again," you said, hopping off the last step gingerly. You looked at your brother and he motioned for you to go.

"I don't know where it is. I'm following you," he stated, looking a bit clueless.

You nodded and you took off for the area past the stairs. Jungkook followed closely and before he knew it, you were standing in front of a small door at the end of the hall. Behind that wall was normally the closet of one of the guest bedrooms. The closet was full of old stuff from your parents that none of you had the heart to go through and figure out what was junk and what wasn't. Jungkook made an amused noise. "This it?"

"Yeah," you answered. "I would've gone through it but I'd rather not be demon-possessed alone. Someone's gotta go through that with me."

Jungkook nodded. "Yeah, same. So, what now? Have you at least opened it? What if there's just a brick wall behind it? Or it leads to the closet? What then?"

You shrugged. "I guess it'd just be a mystery then as to why it's only here for an hour. Now let's get going. We're wasting time."

"I'm not going first," your brother quickly said. "This is sketchy."

You huffed. "But what if there's a tunnel and there's a scary murderer hiding in there? You're going to be closer to the door."

"I can crawl backward faster than you," Jungkook said. "I can just grab you and take off."

One Sister, Seven Brothers, and Another Set of Memories {BTS}Where stories live. Discover now