Kicked Out

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Footsteps and laughter echoed off the walls in the hallway and you looked at your alarm clock before laying back down. It was one in the morning and the twins and their guests were just now returning from playing video games and watching TV downstairs. Who knows how long they'll stay up in their room, though?

The door to the room next door to you opened and you heard talking between Taehyung and the two that shared his room. Someone groaned and you heard the beds creak before shuffling of feet once more. Everything went quiet aside from murmuring and giggling in the room next door. Until you heard your door open. You looked up and were met with Jungkook and Hoseok.

"Hey, dongsaeng," Hoseok whisper-yelled when he saw that you were still awake. Jungkook gave a little wave, his arms wrapped around a pillow he had brought with him.

"What are you two doing?" you asked.

They both entered, Jungkook closing the door behind him. That seemed to be an invitation to talk normally. "The twins kicked us out," Jungkook said. "They need our room apparently and they didn't want us in there so they could use our beds." Hoseok nodded at his explanation.

"So, why did you come in here?" you questioned.

Jungkook shrugged. "I just followed hyung."

"I thought it would be nice to sleep with you," Hoseok answered. "We can leave if you don't want us."

"No, it's fine," you reassured. "You can turn the TV off if you want." You gestured to the TV that was on in the corner of your room.

"What are you watching?" Jungkook asked, his eyes stuck to the TV.

"I've been binge-watching Scooby-Doo," you grinned. "I haven't been watching them a whole lot. I just normally stick something in. I've been too tired to stay up and watch the whole thing through recently."

"Can I have the wall side?" Jungkook asked, seeing that Hoseok was walking over to you.

"Yeah, I guess," the older responded. Jungkook grinned and walked over the foot of your bed before crawling on, gently setting a few of your pillows on the ground to make more room. You made room for the two, scooting to the middle of the bed and laying on your side in an effort to provide them with as much room as you could. After a few minutes, the pair finally got comfortable.

"I have like, no covers," Jungkook stated behind you.

You turned your head to him and grinned. "That's why you're supposed to cuddle each other! It makes up for not having a lot of blankets." As if to drive the point through, you and Hoseok wrapped your arms around each other.

Jungkook frowned. "I can just go get a spare blanket-"

"No," Hoseok insisted. "You obviously don't know the rules of sharing a bed."

Jungkook mumbled a few choice words on how Taehyung never asked him to cuddle before you felt one of his arms wrap around you. "Is that better?" he sneered.

You giggled. "Yes! I get all the love now!"


my bunny eats the leaves on her strawberries first :((

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