Park Bullies

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Requested by MiyaMc8 and Aftaekook. Thank you so much for requesting and I hope you like it~!


Yoongi had taken you to the park after the whole ordeal you went through over some candy. Yoongi had told you that you could have ice cream, though, and when you asked if you could it from the parlor Jin always took you to, Yoongi didn't see a problem. "You want to go to the park afterward?" he asked, and you nodded eagerly. Spending time with Yoongi was always fun!

After you had sat with Yoongi on one of the park benches and finished your ice cream, you were off, running and joining the other kids as they played. You were having a lot of fun as you played with the kids your age, but suddenly, a group of older kids joined you. And they weren't fun.

The older kids were being bullies to you and your new friends. They began bossing you around and telling you that you couldn't play on certain parts of the playground, claiming that those parts were theirs.

"But the park is for everyone," you whimpered, your hands still sticky from the cold treat you had earlier.

One of the older kids grinned before pushing you back. "Beat it, kid."

As your bottom hit the ground, you looked around to see where Yoongi was. You weren't having fun. You wanted to cry again. But you couldn't find him, which made you feel panicked.

"Oh?" the kid snickered. "Can't find your mommy?" He laughed at your defenseless state and continued to until he heard a rough "ahem" behind him.

The boy looked behind him to see Yoongi standing there with his arms crossed. "Is there a problem here?"

You got up and ran to him, hugging his legs as if your life depended on it. "They said that we can't play on the playground and then he pushed me."

The boy looked shocked that you just ratted him out as quickly as you did. "I-"

"He did?" Yoongi picked you up in his arms and sat you on his hip, just like he had earlier that day. "Do I need to beat him up?"

You grinned. "Yes."

"Uh, no," the boy squeaked before running off, his friends following close behind.

You watched them run off as Yoongi sat you back down. When your feet hit the ground, you looked up at him, confused. "Go on," he urged. "I won't wander off. I'll stay right here so no one else will pick on you."

You then ran off with your friends, resuming the game of make-believe you had been playing, with Yoongi watching from close-by to make sure the bullies didn't come back to mess with you.


yes i'm alive. (wish i wasn't, but oh well)

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