Scary Outing

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Requested by HoneyGirl89. I hope you like it and thank you for requesting!


You and the rest of the Maknae line were hanging out for the day. You four were strolling around the city, stopping into various shops and boutiques as you wasted the day away. You were having a lot of fun with them and you didn't want the day to end. That is until you felt someone grab you and push you against a wall in an alleyway.

You squeaked and went to cry out, but whoever had a hold of you put a hand over your mouth. "Now, now," they chided. "You should know better than to cry out like that. Haven't you seen movies?"

You blinked as you took in the dark figure. They had a mask on and a hoodie that shrouded their eyes in darkness so you couldn't tell what they looked like. But you could tell that they were quite a bit taller than you and about as muscular as your youngest brother.

"I see you got separated from your brothers," he continued. "Silly of them to look away from their vulnerable sister who could be taken away by me."

You went to kick him, but you felt his foot stomp on yours. "You're a little fighter, aren't you?"

You tried your best to fight back to the best of your ability, but the man was too strong for you. You wanted to call out for someone to come and save you, but you couldn't do that either. You could only whimper and wriggle in his grasp.

You heard a click and felt something cold press against your neck. You tried to shallow your breathing so you wouldn't cut yourself against the blade. But you didn't have to worry for too long, for the cold knife left your neck after a pained groan. The hand left your mouth and you felt Jimin pull you back as Jungkook let loose on the guy who had taken you.

"Are you alright?" Jimin asked, combing back your hair as he looked at your neck. "Don't look like he cut you. I guess we got here soon enough."

You hugged him and watched as Taehyung stopped the guy from running off. "Not so fast," he chuckled. "We're not going to let you get away with hurting our little sister."

As if on cue, you heard sirens and you and Jimin turned to see a few police cars making their way to you. You watched the policemen ran towards you, asking you questions while others took the man who had pulled a knife on you into custody. It all happened so quickly, and the next thing you know, it was just you four yet again.

Jungkook pouted as he looked at his bloody knuckles. "I don't think I've ever punched someone that hard before."

"Do you want me to kiss it better?" you asked, still in Jimin's arms because it seemed like he wouldn't let you go. You took Jungkook'd hands and kissed them. Your brother just grinned and kissed your forehead.

"Cutie," Jungkook murmured.

"So now what?" Taehyung asked, looking at the time on his phone. "It's almost five. Do you want to continue walking around or go home."

"Home," you answered quickly.

Jimin nodded. "Yeah, I think that'd be best. I've had enough of the city."

On the way home, you made sure you were holding someone's hand as you were still shaken up over everything. You might have appeared unfazed, but they noticed how you were looking around at everything, making sure no one was going to jump out and take you again. You just wanted to get back home where you knew it was safe.

When you walked through the front door, you felt like a weight had been taken off your shoulders. However, you still wanted to be reassured that you would be safe and protected. "Hey," you said, turning to face your brothers as the walking in behind you. "Can we all stay in my room tonight?" you asked.

Taehyung shrugged. "I don't see why not."

"Yeah, we always sleep in each other's room when it's just a few of us left," Jungkook said.

You grinned and clapped your hands. "So we can watch movies all night long?"

Jimin nodded. "Of course. As long as we don't watch any scary movies like last time." He narrowed his eyes as he looked at the youngest brother.

Jungkook looked shocked at the accusation. "Why are you looking at me?"

Jimin just sighed and shook his head before saying he was going to take a shower.


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