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Requested by AyeeItsGirlGamer. I'm sorry it took so long, but thank you for requesting! I hope you like it!


It wasn't a secret that your second oldest brother was striving to become something in the music industry. He had his own music room where he worked on whatever he was interested in and no one was allowed in unless he granted permission. You were just eight, so you didn't exactly know what he did, but you thought it was cool and fun from what you did know. And because of that, you thought maybe music would be fun to do and try out.

You went to write your own lyrics, but you didn't exactly know what to write about. Yoongi had once told someone that he liked writing from what he experienced or felt during specific times. At least that's what you heard before he noticed you were eavesdropping on his conversation. But you were still having trouble with coming up with good lyrics. So you went to the one who inspired you.

"I need help with this," you announced as you walked into the dining room.

"Homework?" Namjoon asked, as he was sitting at the table. He was working on homework himself. Yoongi got up from the table and went to the kitchen to grab a snack, expecting that you just needed some help with school work.

"No, I need Yoongi," you said before climbing into the chair beside Namjoon. You peered over at his work and pointed to an equation. "What's that?"

"Calculus," he sighed. "It's not fun."

You nodded and Yoongi came back with a bag of chips. "What do you need me for? I barely got through high school."

"I want to write music like you!" you told him, holding up a blank piece of paper and a pink colored pencil you had brought with you.

Yoongi's cheeks went pink as he smiled at you. You wanted to be like him and write music? "And what made you decided that?"

"It looks fun!" you replied. "But I don't know what to write."

Yoongi sat down across from you and grabbed the paper and pencil you had. "Well, what do you like?"

"Puppies and bunnies," you started. "I like candy, too."

Your brother grinned as he wrote those down. He began to think of other things he thought you liked before he stood from the table. "I'm going to get my phone and I'll be back, sis," he told you before giving the chips bag to Namjoon. "You can finish those off."

Namjoon nodded, jotting down numbers on his paper as he was about to solve a problem that had stumped him. When Yoongi returned, he had his phone and a notebook in hand before showing you the paper. "Circle like, three of these that you absolutely love," he instructed before looking at the bag of chips he once had. There was a tear straight down the middle that wasn't there two minutes ago. "Namjoon, what happened?"

Namjoon looked up. "Huh?" Yoongi gestured to the chip bag and Namjoon shrugged. "I was just doing my homework. Hyung, if you blame that on me-"

"It was him," you giggled, throwing your sibling under the bus.

Yoongi snickered. "Looks like I didn't have to." He grabbed a chip and snacked on it before you slid the paper back towards him. "Alright, let's see what we can think of now."


I hope you liked it!!

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