Noona (Part Four)

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You looked up to see your four-year-old brother, Taehyung, running toward you. His curly hair was in a mess (and yours, too, as your mother thought it'd be cute to curl her children's hair just to see how it looked) and his knees had dirt caked on them. A couple of flowers were in his hand, some with the roots still hanging down from the stems. His feet were dirty and the skin of his cheeks and nose were tinted a nice watermelon color from the Sun's kiss. It was summer and Taehyung was happy to spend the free time with his favorite sibling – his big sister.

The little boy ran up to nine-year-old you, panting. He looked up at your figure as you sat on one of the barstools, a bright smile on his sunburnt face as he held the flowers out to you. "For noona!"

You grinned and took them from his dirty hands, causing the little boy to cheer. "Thank you, Tae," you replied.

"Come play with me!" the boy urged, gesturing to the backyard. You had been in the kitchen, coloring.

"I'm busy, Tae," you whined. "I'll play with you later."

Taehyung pouted. "Play now," he frowned. He grabbed at your shorts and attempted to pull you out of your chair. "Please."

You shook your head. "I said I'm busy, Taehyung. I'll play with you when I'm done with this."

Taehyung sniffled, beginning to cry. He wanted nothing more than to play with his big sister, but you apparently weren't on board with that idea. His little heart felt broken as he started to whine, falling back onto his bottom on the floor. His little hands clenched into fists as he sobbed, feeling as though he was unwanted.

You didn't want this. You hated seeing anyone cry, especially your brothers. You didn't mean to seem mean – you just wanted to complete the picture you were doodling. It wouldn't have taken you long, but Taehyung didn't know that. As far as he knew, he was going to have to wait for ages for you to acknowledge his need to play with you. You felt your heart sting at the sight of your little brother crying all because of you.

You slid off the barstool and sat down on the floor in front of your brother. Despite being upset that you wouldn't play with him, you were still his noona, so he crawled over to you to cry in your embrace. You listened to him cry, rocking him back and forth before his cries quieted. Before long, he looked up at you with his puffy red eyes. "Is noona mad?"

You shook your head. "No. Never."

Taehyung reached up and wrapped his arms around your neck in a gentle hug. "Will noona play wif me?"

You nodded this time. "Noona will play with Taehyung."

Your little brother pulled away, sucking on his bottom lip as he looked around the kitchen, thinking of something to do. He then grinned, his eyes turning into crescents, and gestured to the backyard once more. "Outside!"

You stood, but before you could walk to the door, Taehyung stopped you. He reached up at you with grabby hands, straining his little body to be as tall as it could be as he stood on his tippy toes. "Up!"

You did as commanded and picked your little brother up. As you took him outside, he gave you kisses on your cheeks. "What do you want to do?"

Taehyung pointed at the spot among the grass that had his toys littered around. The dirt was torn up and you assumed that was where Taehyung had gotten your flowers. You walked over and sat him down before you made a spot for you among the weeds. You watched as he grabbed a toy truck and pushed it through the dirt, making car noises as he drove it toward you. That was how it always went. You never really participated in the games he played – you were mainly just there to watch. And that was okay with you. It was as if your presence was enough for him to be happy and content.

Every now and then, he'd ask you to push another car through the grass to him and he'd push it back, but before long, he got tired. He'd hastily wipe at the sweat that was on his brow, whining a bit as fatigue set in. You knew he was due for a nap, but neither your mom nor dad had come out to retrieve him and put him to sleep. You were feeling a bit drained yourself as the summer Sun beat down on you, but you didn't want to fall asleep and leave Taehyung alone.

Minutes passed and Taehyung had found a seat in your lap and decided that he needed to sleep. Once you heard his quiet snores escape his tiny body, you gently laid down on the soft grass, taking him with you. As soon as your head hit the ground, you also succumbed to sleep. Your parents, looking for both of you since it was lunchtime, found you an hour later, sleeping amongst the blooming flowers. Both your faces were red with Sun and you'd get scolded later, but you didn't care. You got to share some time with your little brother. And as for Taehyung, he was just happy he got to be with his noona.


Thank you so much for 800k reads!! Thank you for not giving me up on me even tho I don't post as much as I should <33

have a bootiful weekend my cherubs

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