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Requested by XxlollollipoploverxX. I hope you like it and thank you for requesting!

I don't know much about insomnia, so I just went by what google and some doctor websites said about it, so if this isn't the normal behavior of someone with insomnia, I'm sorry :( you can tell me what i need to fix and i'll work on getting it corrected


It was around the age of twelve when the doctor diagnosed you with insomnia. Your brothers pretty much knew since they'd peek in your room and you'd still be awake at three in the morning. You just couldn't fall asleep and sometimes, you'd only get a couple of hours of sleep before you had to go to school.

Yoongi was the main one who checked up on you. He'd occasionally walk into your room during the night to see how you were. Depending on how sleepy he was himself, he'd either stay up with you or just sleep in your room to keep you company.

"Still awake, huh?" he'd murmur as he saw the lamp on. He sighed and crossed his arms as he sat at the foot of your bed. "What to do... what to do..."

You just sat there, feeling sorry about how he always had to check on you and see how you were. "Just go back to bed, Yoongi. I'll get to sleep sometime."

Yoongi stood and went to your bookshelf. "What book are you reading?"

You went to ask him what he was doing, but you just remained quiet before gesturing to your backpack. "It's in there. It's just a silly manga, though, so I doubt-"

But you couldn't even go on as you watched Yoongi slip it out of your bag and come to sit on your bed again. "Right here?" he asked, gesturing to the page.

You pointed to where you left off and Yoongi picked up right there, reading and acting out what was happening. You smiled and giggled as he changed his voice from high-pitched to extremely low to fit some of the characters and he even included the sound effects.

"You don't have to do that," you giggled.

He looked up at you, his messy hair swaying. A cute grin was on his face. "Oh, really? But I was enjoying this."

And he just kept on reading like he forgot what he was doing – like he forgot that it was almost four in the morning. He finished the book and went to ask you if you enjoyed his acting, but when he looked up, you were fast asleep, snuggling the pillow he had brought when he first came in that night.


i hope you liked it!!

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