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Requested by angelthebedsheet. Thank you so, so much for requesting and I hope you like it! I know you said for little (Y/N) to fight the bad guys, but you're six in this and you said "Jeon" so I substituted the closest thing which was Jungkook :). Hope that's okay.



Something was up with the third youngest boy in your family. You couldn't quite place a finger on it at first, but it was obvious since Jimin wasn't happy anymore. He didn't want to play with you anymore when you got home. He didn't want to help you with your homework anymore. And it wasn't just you. You always thought that the twin bond between Jimin and Taehyung was indestructible, but Jimin sure was testing it.

"Do you know what's wrong?" you asked Jin as he tucked you into bed.

He shook his head. "I don't have a clue, princess. I'm sorry."

You were worried about him. What had happened to him? Was the stress of school finally getting to him? A few days later, Jimin had come home with a lot books, so maybe it was all the homework that was making him like this.

"He's just a freshman," Namjoon thought out loud. "Maybe he's just nervous because everything counts now."

And you went with that conclusion from then on. That is, until Jimin came home a couple days later.

You sat on the couch, watching TV. School had let out an hour ago and you and the Hyung line were at home. Both Jungkook's grade and the twin's grade were on a field trip that lasted over the duration of the school day and into the afternoon. The three would be returning home soon.

Jungkook and Taehyung came in first, quiet. It was odd, but you didn't say anything about it. But it was when Jimin came in. It seemed like all hell broke loose then.

You noticed his hands were bleeding as he slammed the door shut and ran upstairs. You caught sight of tears in his eyes and you went to follow him, but a hand grabbed your shoulder. You turned back to see Jungkook and Taehyung.

"Don't go," Jungkook murmured. "Give him some space."

"But he's crying," you countered.

Taehyung shook his head. "We tried to ask him, too, but he only yelled at us. He'll probably yell at you, too, without meaning to."

"We don't want you to get hurt," Jungkook continued.

"So he didn't tell you what's wrong?" you asked.

They both shook their heads. "Nope," Jungkook said.

"He just told us to mind our own business and that we should be thankful we don't get picked on," Taehyung said.

"Now that I think about it, he wasn't himself today after lunch," Jungkook recalled. "He was very distant. And he was hanging out with the bad kids."

Taehyung nodded before asking Jungkook if he wanted to go play outside. Jungkook agreed and they both ran out the back door, leaving you by yourself.

You quietly walked up the stairs before standing in front of Jimin's door. You wondered if you should really go in or not, but you knocked anyways.

"Go away!" you heard Jimin shout. He sounded like he was crying.

You cracked the door open, grimacing at the squeaky door as it made a loud screech. Jimin turned and glared at you, about to yell some harsh words, but then he realized it just his little sister. He sniffled, wiping his nose with his sleeve. "It's just you," he murmured.

One Sister, Seven Brothers, and Another Set of Memories {BTS}Where stories live. Discover now