Reactions (Prt. 17)

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Requested by bharvi19. You've changed your name as well, but I hope this finds you somehow. Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy!

and yes you get two reaction imagines in a week :)


When you break up with your boyfriend.


When Jin realized you weren't too tore up about it, he hugged you

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When Jin realized you weren't too tore up about it, he hugged you. "Well, I'm sure there's a good reason," he said, rubbing your shoulders. "He just missed out on the perfect girlfriend." He would later make you a batch of cookies and if the twins came to steal one or two, he'd hit them before throwing kitchen utensils at them.


"Good," Yoongi would mutter once he heard the news

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"Good," Yoongi would mutter once he heard the news. "Did you not like him?" Hoseok would ask and Yoongi would shake his head. "No, he was okay. But if (Y/N) knew he wasn't the right one, he wasn't the right one. Simple as that. Glad she got rid of him before he continued to treat her like a butt."


"Are you sad?" Hoseok would ask you

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"Are you sad?" Hoseok would ask you. "Well, maybe just a little," you'd answer, not entirely bummed. "You sure?" he'd continue, wrapping you in a hug. "I think you're lying." "I'm not," you'd giggle. Hoseok would insist that you were upset and try to cheer you up whenever he saw you around the house. To be honest, it just made you happier. {that gif is my dog tbh when i have food and she wants some}


"Do you think he's upset?" Namjoon asked you after you told him

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"Do you think he's upset?" Namjoon asked you after you told him. You shrugged. "I don't know. To be honest, I don't care." Namjoon snickered before planting a kiss on your forehead. "That's my girl." You tried to push him away as he hugged and tickled you. "Don't let stupid boys weigh you down, kiddo. You got more important things to do."


"Awe," Jimin sighed

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"Awe," Jimin sighed. "I wanted to beat him up and then you break up with him." You gave him a weird look. "You're like, the last person in this house to beat someone up." He'd whine. "But I'd do it for you! If he wasn't treating you right, you could've told me and I would've taught him a lesson." You'd ruffle his hair as he sat on the couch, smiling. "That's Jungkook's job, Jimin. Your job is to cheer me up." {ugh this gif kills me}


"Tell me everything that happened," Taehyung said

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"Tell me everything that happened," Taehyung said. You'd grin at his curiosity. "Not much. I just told him that I didn't think he was treating me the way he should so I said bye-bye," you explained. "That's it?" he'd ask. "I was hoping you'd slap him and be super dramatic about it like in the movies." You'd giggle. "No, no, no. I'll save that for another time. I'll video it just for you." "I'm holding you to that!"


"Phew," Jungkook would sigh, wiping imaginary sweat off his brow

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"Phew," Jungkook would sigh, wiping imaginary sweat off his brow. "I thought I was going to have to do something. You know you're not supposed to be dating." You'd roll your eyes before pushing him a bit. "I'm just looking out for my baby sister. What else am I to do?" You'd put your finger on your chin and look up as if you were thinking. "Hm, maybe ask if I'm sad or something." You felt him hug you and kiss the top of your head. "I know you're not sad. You just want me to treat you, don't you?" You'd snicker, not giving an answer, causing him to sigh. "Alright, alright. We can watch movies in my room tonight."


i hope you liked it!

I was also really short with people when I was replying to comments yesterday, so I'm sorry. Yesterday just wasn't the most exciting day for me lol. First day back and everything and I was done by the time school ended. I'm sorry if I was rude or harsh to you :(

On the plus side, my mom might be getting a job!!

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