Mini Chef

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Requested by sadrinakpoper22. I hope you like it and thank you for requesting!


As you got older, you started wanting to become more independent. From doing your own laundry, making your lunch, to tucking yourself in, you wanted to do it yourself. And one of your main concerns was being able to cook. So, one day, you asked Jin to show you the basics. He decided to let you cook mac-n-cheese from the box.

Everything was good. You started boiling the water and once it had reached a "rolling boil" as Jin called it, you dumped the noodles in. You set a timer for when the noodles would be done and Jin got out the measuring cups and showed you all the nifty tips and tricks to use in the kitchen. When the timer was up, he handed you a strainer and told you to dump the noodles in there. You did as told, not realizing that he was asking you to pour a pot of boiling water in a bowl. Your clumsiness made an appearance and just as your brother turned around, he heard a yelp and the pot clatter to the ground.

Jin turned around. "What happened?"

You held your hand out to him, bouncing from one foot to the other. "I spilled it on myself. Holy crap it burns." You made a few whining sounds and watched as Jin came over to you, careful not to step in the water and noodles that you had spilled all over the floor.

"So clumsy," he chided. He grabbed a rag that was laying on the counter and turned on the sink before he drenched the rag in cool water. He then came over to you, laying it over your hand. "I should've remembered I can't trust you with these sorts of things." He shook his head, making an unamused noise, but you could tell he wasn't angry or upset. Maybe a little disappointed, you thought.

"Maybe I should wait on handling hot things," you suggested.

Jin sighed. "Yes, but mistakes are learning opportunities. I'm sure you will be more careful the next time you try to strain noodles." He gestured to the barstool someone hadn't pushed back under the counter. "Why don't you sit and I'll clean up, hm? I'll handle the cooking from here."


i hope you liked it~

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