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Requested by kookachu_jeon. I hope you enjoy and thank you so much for requesting!!

A little emotional 


You were using your youngest brother's laptop since you weren't able to use Jin's. You were busy collecting some notes on a paper that was due in a couple weeks. You sighed, and grabbed your glass of water, bored out of your mind. Suddenly, a loud crash came from behind you, and you jumped, letting go of your glass and letting the water spill all over the computer. You gasped and watched at it short-circuited. The screen then went black and you couldn't turn it back on.

"No, no, no," you whined, aggressively pushing the power button. "You have to turn on. You just have to."

You heard some footsteps and you bit your lip, expecting sudden death. "Hey, sis, can I look over this paper real quick?" Jungkook asked, holding a flash drive in his hand.

"Uh, sure," you stammered, stumbling out of your seat and letting him sit down.

"Were you already done?" Jungkook asked you when he saw the blank screen as he sat down.

"No," you murmured, but he couldn't hear you.

Jungkook pressed the power button, but the screen wouldn't light up. You saw him frown. "I just charged it, though," he muttered, clicking the flash drive in his hands. "Did it update, or something?"

"No," you gulped. "I... I spilled water on it and it shut off completely."

At first, you thought he didn't hear you, but then you saw him narrow his eyes. "What?"

"I spilled my water-"

Jungkook stood and turned to you. "How did you do that?"

"Something fell behind me – I don't know – but there was a loud noise and it scared me so I-"

"So you spilled water all over my laptop," Jungkook finished.

"I didn't mean to!" you gasped.

"I wish I never had a sister like you," he growled, and you frowned, feeling tears prick your eyes.

"What?" you whined.

"I said, 'I wish I never had a sister like you,'" he repeated. "You never do anything right!"

Your lip quivered but you blinked back your tears, not letting any fall. You turned and walked away, feeling an awful feeling in your gut as you trudged to your room to hide under your covers.


You and Jungkook didn't talk to each other for a few days. Dinners were awkward since the two youngest weren't giggling or messing around like they normally were. Instead, they were quiet and finished eating first before they went their separate ways. Your other siblings were starting to get worried, but they decided to stay out of it.

A few days after the whole ordeal, Jungkook was out and about. He was at the mall, shopping for a new laptop and seeing which one he liked the most. He was passing by a popular clothing store when he heard a familiar voice.

"Oppa! Can you buy this dress for me?" he heard a girl ask. He recognized the voice as the sister of one of his past classmate's. They had left his school and went to a different one when Jungkook was in tenth grade.

"That?" he heard the brother ask, incredulous. "Why would I get that for you?"

"What do you mean?" the girl questioned, confused.

"You're fat!" the boy replied. "I'm not wasting my money on something like that for you."

Jungkook heard a whimper and some sniffles and realized that the girl was crying. His conclusion proved to be right as we watched a girl, in tears, run out from the store's doors and off somewhere.

And that made Jungkook think about what he had done to you. He remembered getting so angry and fed up with you over nothing. And the scariest part was that you didn't cry. He figured you would already be in tears when the laptop wouldn't turn on. But you held it together and just faced his mean comments with a strong front.

Jungkook gulped before turning around and heading home as quickly as he could.


"Where's (Y/N)?" Jungkook asked Jin when he walked into the kitchen.

"She should be in her room," Jin replied, reading over some papers from work. "You finally talking to her again?"

But Jungkook didn't hear his oldest brother's question since he was already on his way up the stairs to your room. When he got there, he gently opened the door and came in, not waiting for you invite him in.

"What do you want?" you asked, a little glum.

Jungkook didn't answer, but instead went over and sat beside you on the bed. You went to ask him again, but he stopped you when he reached toward you and enveloped you in his warm embrace. You were confused, but hugged him back, patting his back as you felt his thumb rub circles on your spine. And then you heard him crying.

"What's wrong?" you questioned. Maybe he had just forgotten all about the ordeal that happened a few days ago and was looking for support for something dramatic or emotional that had happened.

"I'm sorry," you heard him sob. "I acted like a complete idiot. And it was all because of a stupid laptop that doesn't mean anything. I didn't mean those things that I said. I love having an amazing sister like you, and the best laptop on the whole wide world couldn't compete with you." He pulled away and wiped his red, puffy eyes. "So can you forgive me? You don't have to now, since you probably hate me more than anything, but maybe later?"

"I forgive you," you told him. "I should have been more careful anyway."

"No, no, no," Jungkook shook his head. "Let me take all the blame."

You smiled and hugged him, and he kissed your cheek as he held you close. "Oh, wait," you murmured, pulling away. You jumped off your bed and walked over to your closet. You opened the door and knelt down on the floor before reaching behind your clothes and pulling out a bow covered in cute wrapping paper. "This was supposed to be your birthday present, but I guess you can have it early."

"Don't give me it now to make me feel better," your brother pouted, watching you lift the box onto the bed and plop it down in front of him.

"No, just open it," you argued.

Jungkook sighed before complying. He began to tear off the wrapping paper and once the present underneath was revealed, he looked at you, speechless.

"Maybe it's a good thing I broke your laptop since I was getting you a new one anyways," you said, smiling a bit.

You had gotten him a laptop that you thought would only be fit for an intense student-gamer-on-the-go like your youngest brother. Like you had told him, it was originally supposed to be a birthday gift, but maybe it could come a bit sooner.

Jungkook looked at the box in front of him before he stood and hugged you once again. "You're so amazing! I love you!"

"Are you saying that to me or to the computer?" you chuckled, struggling to breathe in your brother's arms.

He gave you a kiss on the forehead. "You!"


i hope you loved it!! i thought i did really good on this one :)

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