We Have Each Other

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It seemed like the day your siblings found out about their parents' death, it was normal. That sounds harsh, but it seemed like they were all dreaming and this was just some weird dream that they would wake up from. They'd wake up and go back to school and mom and dad would call them as soon as school let out to ask them how their day was. But the next day hit hard.

It all started when Jin called them when he got up. He pressed on the number as he brushed his teeth, Yoongi walking into the bathroom groggily with you skipping past, a smile on your face. He let ring and ring until the phone told him that the number he was calling had been disconnected. And then everything came flooding back. He remembered their principal telling them the news as they stood in her office. He remembered thinking it was a terrible dream, but it wasn't. You remember seeing him clean off his mouth with the wash rag that Yoongi had just used to clean your face. You watched as he gripped his phone tightly before throwing it at the floor. The case cracked and popped and you jumped from your seat on the counter, your muscles tensing. Yoongi had looked up from combing your hair and you remember him asking Jin if he was okay.

"That was all real, Yoongi," Jin had cried, staring down at his phone. "It wasn't a bad dream."

The walk to school was sad and gloomy. It was cold and the clouds were heavy. You hadn't been told the news yet (in fact, you wouldn't know for five days), so you were still as perky as ever. But your brothers weren't having any of it. You just minded your business and hoped that they were just tired from homework or staying up late on their phones.

Everyone struggled at school that day. Jin had been sent home for throwing up in his first hour class. Yoongi hadn't done anything but play with his pens and pencils, ignoring the teachers' lectures. Hoseok couldn't stop shaking. His leg kept bouncing up and down he was always tapping his pencil against the desk and whenever he got called on, he'd jump as if he had just been scared. Namjoon's performance fell and he wasn't paying attention like he should. The twins got in trouble multiple times for talking to each other when they weren't supposed to and for the classes they didn't have with each other, they skipped and stayed in the bathroom. Jungkook wouldn't do anything his teachers told him to and he got sent to the hallway in most of his classes. As for you, you just stayed the little positive child you were and tried to think happy thoughts. Though you didn't know what was going on around you, you just wanted to remind yourself that your brothers were just tired and not sad.

But they were. Oh, they were.

You wondered why everyone was still upset on the walk home. Jin had come to walk with you guys since he had been sent home earlier. You didn't like that, since you thought he was exhausting himself. He did look rather pale, but you didn't know that he was just sick. When you had gotten home, it was like someone pulled the plug that was powering all your siblings. Someone turned off all of their power buttons. They just all seemed so... dead.

You remember the first one to crack was Jimin. You remember hearing the sniffling and when you looked up at the top of the stairs, you saw him with his head leaning on your parents' door. Then Taehyung started crying, then Jungkook, Hoseok, Yoongi, Namjoon, Jin, and then lastly, you.

"Why are you crying?" Hosoek asked you, trying to choke back his sobs but it wasn't working in the least bit.

"Because you are," you answered truthfully. You went and grabbed something from your backpack. "I drew a picture to make you guys feel better but nothing's working." You showed him the drawing you made and of course, there were ten people depicted. You watched as Hoseok put your drawing to the side before walking away, his tears dropping onto the ground behind him.

Jin didn't even bother making dinner. The only way you had gotten food was through Jungkook, who was trying to make mac and cheese. You told him you were hungry and he only nodded before getting another bowl ready. When yours was done, he put a paper towel around the bowl so it wouldn't burn your hands. He had sat down on the floor underneath the microwave by the fridge and just stared at his food, his appetite leaving him. You had sat on the floor next to him, not wanting him to be lonely.

When bedtime rolled around, no one responded to your good night kisses. Namjoon tucked you in instead of Jin, who was doing it for your mom. He didn't turn the fan on or your night light, so you had wriggle out of your bed and do that yourself. But you couldn't sleep.

And neither could your brothers.

Apparently, you weren't the only one who had the idea of climbing into the eldest's bed. When you came in with your stuffed animal, you noticed Taehyung curled up between Jin and Yoongi. Jimin was on the other side of Yoongi and Jungkook was holding onto him. Namjoon was back-to-back with Jin. You thought there was no room for you until you felt someone push you forward.

"Go on," Hoseok urged you. "There's still room for us."

You nodded and Hoseok helped you onto the crowded bed. You slipped in the tiny space between Taehyung and Jin, and Hoseok scooted in on the other side of Taehyung. There weren't any words spoken, but you were all just there for each other, silently comforting each other in this dark time.

You heard a thump and then Jungkook whined. "Jimin, you didn't hold onto me."

You giggled, and your little chuckles seemed to be contagious because no matter how sad your brothers were in that moment, they all chipped in and laughed with you, finding just a little ounce of happiness in that dismal moment.


yay sadness *jazz hands*

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