Noona (Part One)

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Requested by LamaAbouSaad. Your messages about being an older sibling made me cry :( they were so sweet and heartfelt. Anyway, I hope you don't mind that I turned your request into a series. I couldn't settle on one scenario to encompass all the brothers, so I thought I'd split it up! I hope you like it and thank you for requesting!! This whole series is a separate AU, as you can probably tell once you start reading :))

! Pretty sad !


"I hate this purse, but my friend got it for me so I would feel bad if I got rid of it," you stated nonchalantly as your oldest – but younger – brother sat cross-legged on your bed.

"She wouldn't know if you got rid of it though," Jin said as he quietly watched you clean out your closet.

"But she might want me to wear it one day and what would I have to tell her? That I got rid of it because it was butt-ugly?" You sighed before shoving the purse decorated with fringe into a bigger bag where it once was before you pulled it out. It was Christmas break, so you were taking the time to clean out your closet and drawers to get rid of stuff you didn't want. But Jin knew better.

You were just two years older than Seokjin, but you were practically two peas in a pod. For most of your younger years, you two basically did everything together. You never went to parties or sports outings without him. He always wanted you to attend his choir concerts – which you did happily. You were always cheering each other on whatever it was. But last month, something tragic happened.

It was late during the night when your parents were on their way to the airport for a business trip. Before they made it, though, a drunk driver slammed into your parents' car, killing both your mom and dad instantly. You had received a call early in the morning from the police explaining everything that had happened while you and your siblings were sleeping. And suddenly, while being a full-time student and part-time employee, you had to plan a funeral, deal with legal issues, as well as take on the job of being the heir to one of the largest companies in South Korea. Of course, you weren't the only struggling, so you didn't bat an eye when you had to put your feelings on hold to care for your brothers, especially the three youngest. But Seokjin, the one who knew you better than you knew yourself, noticed.

Cleaning out your closet wasn't something you liked doing. In fact, you were a bit of a hoarder. Everything had some sort of sentimental value to you that made you hold onto it. You thought of it as a curse that led you to have more junk than anything that was stored away into your drawers and under your bed. So, when Jin walked in your room to be met with a pile up to his knees of belongings you claimed you didn't want, he realized you were just trying to cope. The fact that your parents were dead was finally started to dawn on you and you felt like you couldn't be sad – you had seven little brothers to take care of who depended on your smiling face in the morning. As soon as you started to feel sad, you'd occupy yourself so you wouldn't have time to mope and cry. And as your most mature younger brother, Jin wanted to make sure that you were okay – that you understood that being sad was normal, even if you had an important role to fulfill.

"And I'll never wear these shoes." A pair of black flats you wore quite frequently was tossed onto the pile and Jin frowned.

"I thought you liked those," he murmured, staring at the shoes you had easily discarded.

"Well, they're cute but they're old," you explained. "I'm sure I can find a cuter pair sometime. Besides, I wear heels most of the time when it comes to special occasions."

"Are you going to keep all your Converse?" he asked.

You looked shamefully at the multiple pairs of Converses that hung on the door to your closet. You bit your lip as you looked at your brother. "But they're the only shoes that fit my tiny feet well."

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