Read to Me

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Contains spoilers for the book "Stone Fox" that no one will ever read lol.

but i did and it broke my heart :(


Your school required you to read twenty minutes every week night. If it was later in your life, like when you were eleven and older, you would've enjoyed this a bit more. But at the young age of eight, you were a little annoyed at the fact that you were graded to read every night. Not to mention, a parent had to sign it (your brothers made a good substitute) and your teacher just didn't understand that your family was pretty busy. She didn't understand why Jin couldn't take five seconds out of his day to sign a yellow piece of paper.

"He's busy being my eomma, though," you told her, a pout painted on your face.

And since your parents had eight kids, they resulted to loop-holes whenever they could. That carried on through your brothers, so whenever there was a short-cut to anything, they took it. And that's what you were going to do.

You grabbed your book out of your backpack and walked to a certain sibling's room. You liked to read books about animals like dogs and cats, so whenever you spotted a book that had a dog on the cover, you were hooked and just had to read it. This time you had Stone Fox, and later, you would regret reading this book. But it was about a dog, so you picked it out from the school's library. You were also very close to finishing it, so tomorrow you could go back to school and get another animal book.

"Namjoonie!" you called, skipping into his room.

"Yes?" he answered, scribbling down the rest of an equation before looking up at you. He noticed you held a thin book in your hand as you walked up to his bed.

"Can you read to me tonight?" you asked cutely, handing your book to him.

Namjoon looked at his homework. I have homework, though. But I don't want to turn her down and make her sad! He debated what his options were before he shut the thick calculus book and grabbed your book. "Is this counting towards your reading for the night?"

You nodded, happy that you got out of reading yourself. "I'm almost done with it, Namjoonie."

"I can see that," he remarked, opening to where your bookmark was. "You like to read, don't you?"

You nodded again. "But I don't like that I'm graded on it."

Namjoon shrugged. "It's just something teachers do, I guess. Are we starting here?" You told him that was where you left off, and he began reading to you. You stood at his bedside the whole time, feeling like he was the narrator of the story and you were watching a movie that you couldn't exactly see. But you pictured everything in your mind. And then the bad ending came.

You didn't exactly understand what it meant by "heart gave out," but when you saw Namjoon tearing up, you teared up, too. In the last thirty pages, he got attached to this fictional dog, who just had to go and die at the last moment. But alas, the ending was actually a good one, since the boy won the race. But he had to take his dead dog across the finish line himself. Namjoon sniffled.

You tugged at his shirt sleeve, tears sitting at the corners of your eyes. "I don't understand what happened, Namjoonie. Why are you crying?"

"The dog's heart gave out," Namjoon explained, sadly. He quickly wiped away his tears, cursing himself for being so soft. "That means they died. When the heart stops beating, it can't power the rest of the body, so it shuts everything down."

You nodded before wiping away your tears. "That was really sad, oppa."

"And you made me read it," your brother huffed, giving you back your book, the bookmark Jimin made for you in art class on top.

"I'm sorry," you apologized. "But I really like it when you read to me. You and Jinnie are both good readers. Yoongi stutters too much."

Namjoon grinned before tugging at your hair. "Alright, kid. It's getting close to bed time so get Jin-hyung to sign your paper and get a few more minutes of play in."



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