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Okay, so this was the AU I was talking about. If you can guess from the title, this AU was inspired after the book and movie "Wonder." That movie makes me cry SO much, and I'm going to eventually read the book. This AU is pretty lengthy, and it is NOT official, so no, you don't have an defects in the actual storyline. I just thought that this would be sweet and different so here we go.



Your mom had to quit her fantastic job at the biggest company in South Korea to home school you for kindergarten. She was happy to, though, and couldn't wait to start teaching you herself. Later in November, Jin would have to take that job as he taught you when he came home from school. And now, you were entering the ninth grade. But this year was going to be different. You would be going to where your brothers went to school for their high school careers.

"I'm scared," you told Jin the night before. He was sitting on your bed, getting you prepared for the next day. You were supposed to be in bed, but you couldn't handle the anxiety running through you.

"It'll be okay," Jin comforted. "I've told the principle that you need to be allowed to call us whenever you feel like you need to. You'll be fine, princess."

"But what if the other students make fun of me?" you asked, beginning to tear up.

"They're freshmen, (Y/N)," Jin said. "I think they're too mature to make fun of you." He stood and kissed you on the forehead before pulling the covers up to your nose. "Good night, princess. I love you."

"I love you, too," you murmured before he departed from you, turning the lights off in your room.

The reason you were so scared to go to school was because you weren't a normal kid. You had been born with some different defects and when most people saw you, they had to stare. You had Treacher Collins syndrome, which affected the development in your face. Your brothers were very protective of you, though, and if anyone looked at you the wrong way, they would make sure they knew that you weren't someone to be messed with. Namjoon was your saving grace a lot of the times.

You've had several surgeries in the past regarding your respiratory system, which led to many, many, many different scars showing up here and there.

"They're your battle scars!" Jimin giggled. "They make you look tough and strong!"

But you didn't feel so tough or strong. You felt rather weak. You felt out of place. You hated looking like you did. And that's why you didn't want to go to public school and show everyone that you were a mistake. You felt like a science-experiment-gone-wrong, and you knew other people would think the same.

"You're going to have fun!" Hoseok promised as you sat in the car the next day.

"I bet you're going to be the most popular girl in school and then everyone is going to want to hang out with you and invite you to sleepovers," Taehyung added, his twin nodding in agreement.

"And if someone makes fun of you, punch them," Jungkook said.

"And don't be afraid to say anything in class," Namjoon told you as he looked back at you from the passenger seat. "Show everyone that you can be just as smart as them." It was no secret among your brothers that you were so smart and full of facts that it was insane. They were very, very proud of you.

"Are you ready? Maybe you should get a head start and look at all your classes before you go to first period," Jin suggested.

You sighed and took your backpack as Yoongi had been holding it, along with your lunch box. You bid your good byes before you hopped out of the car. You took a deep breath before walking up to your new school.

One Sister, Seven Brothers, and Another Set of Memories {BTS}Where stories live. Discover now