Mini Artist

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"What do these do?" you asked, pointing to the colors in front of you. It looked like chalk, but your nine-year-old brain told you that they probably weren't.

Taehyung finished coloring in a spot on his drawing before looking over to see what you were asking about. "Oh, those are pastels, (Y/N)," he answered. Those were what he was working with at the moment. He sat the color he was using down and slipped off the stool he was sitting on. You looked up at his unfinished work of art and noticed it was a familiar face. Isn't that eomma? But before your thoughts could wonder off anywhere else, your brother came back, a piece of paper in his hands. He came over to you and sat it down on the table in front of you. "If you want to color, you can."

"Aren't those expensive?" you wondered.

Taehyung shrugged. "You're worth it, princess."

You nodded and looked at the many colors that were set out. You picked up a piece and saw that it was gently used. It was (Y/Favorite/Color). "What should I draw, Tae?"

He didn't look away from his drawing. "Well, I'm drawing eomma, but portraits take a lot of time. Why don't you start off with a dog? Or maybe a bird? My first pastel drawing was a bird."

So it is eomma! You then went to draw a bird the best you could, but it wasn't the best looking fowl in the world. Taehyung had noticed that you were trying really hard, since your little tongue was stuck out at the side of your mouth. He took a break from his drawing and instead watched you sketch out a bird before gently coloring it in. Taehyung's heart ached as he knew that you weren't going to be so gentle after a while, but he didn't mind since it was you. You were his little princess after all, and he was your knight.


here, we see that this was written probably when the author was just trying to write something to overcome writer's block

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