Pillow Fort

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Requested by Brianainmanlovesyou. I hope you like it and thank you for requesting!


"And that's it!" Taehyung grinned as he laid the final blanket over the chairs that were holding the fort together. You watched as the "door" opened and Taehyung climbed in, sitting on the ground on a pillow in front of you. "Our fort is finished."

You clapped your hands together, smiling. "So now we get to eat the others, right?"

Your brother nodded. "Yep. They're humans, and us aliens don't like humans. We have to show them who's boss."

You exaggerated your nod before Taehyung pressed a finger to your lips, a motion to tell his seven-year-old sister to be quiet. You fell silent and listened to the footsteps that came closer and closer to the fort you and Taehyung had built. Taehyung raised up his other hand, watching the shadow of one of his siblings pass by. His fingers were counting down, and when the last finger dropped, you both scurried out of the fort in a hurry, screaming and tackling Taehyung's twin.

"Nom nom!" you giggled, pretending to bite at Jimin's leg.

"Hey," Jimin whined, playfully. "If you're going to eat me, do be polite about it."

"You filthy human," Taehyung chuckled, his arms wrapped around Jimin's waist. He knew that if he looked like he was actually trying to inflict pain on his brother, you would, too, which would be a disaster. So, Taehyung kept it light-hearted and went for a tight hug instead of a headlock.

"I just took a shower," Jimin argued. "Do I still stink?"

"You smell like humans!" you cried, releasing your grasp from his ankle and jumping up and down for attention. "All humans are stinky!"

Jimin laughed and bent down to kiss your forehead, making you cringe. "NO, NO, NO. TAE, THE HUMAN KISSED ME!" You ran back into the fort, blushing out of love and embarrassment that you let a measly human touch you like that.

Taehyung followed you into the fort, leaving Jimin to go do what he had originally intended to. "We must get rid of his trace," Taehyung said, eyes narrowing.

"How do we do that?" you asked, intrigued.

Taehyung squished your cheeks with his hands before showering your face in kisses. "All gone!" he smiled, making you cheer. You both then went back to hunting down the rest of your siblings – err, the humans.


i hope you like it and have an amazing weekend!

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