Hiding but no Seeking

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Requested by _bxdbxd_. I hope you like it and thank you for requesting!

your late christmas gift is two yoongi imagines hehe


"So, then I knew that I was going to get in trouble, so I told-"

"Wait," Kim Sejun said, stopping his son Taehyung's story in its tracks. He looked around the table at his wife and then his seven sons before setting his fork down when he saw that one chair was empty, void of the person who normally occupied it at dinner time. "Where's our little princess tonight?"

Jin looked at the empty seat and shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe she didn't hear us call for her and continued playing."

Jimin nodded. "She might have shut her door so she couldn't hear us."

"But I looked in there earlier and she wasn't in there," Namjoon stated, drawing everyone's attention. "I was going to ask her if she wanted to listen to me read since the book I'm reading is really interesting. It's about-"

"Never mind what your stupid book is about," Jungkook rolled his eyes. "It's probably about science or math." He then stuck his finger in his mouth as he jutted his tongue out, gagging. Kim Marie, his mom, quickly grabbed his hand and scolded him.

"It's not about either of those," Namjoon murmured, looking sadly as his plate before continuing to eat.

Hoseok sat down his fork and placed his hands on the table folded. "Well, I haven't seen her either. And neither has Taehyung since we were too busy completing our homework in the living room. Right, Taehyung?"

"Right, but I can speak for myself," Taehyung defended.

Their mom looked at her husband from across the table, worried. "Then where could she be? She did come from school, right?"

"She held my hand the whole way," Jin grinned, a blush on his cheeks.

"Oh, wait."

Everyone's eyes drifted to fifteen-year-old Yoongi, who was slowly standing. He gave his mom a nervous grin before pointing upstairs. "I'm uh, going to go find her."

His mom raised a brow. "Oh? And where is she?"

Yoongi clicked his tongue. "Um, about that." But he left it there and sped out of the dining room. "(Y/N/N)! Ready or not, here I come!"

"What is he doing? Playing hide and seek? At this hour? Preposterous," Hoseok muttered.

His dad grinned. "And why are you trying to sound all smart tonight?"

"I always sound smart, father-"

"He's trying to impress a girl," Jimin giggled. "She's the smartest in the class, and he thinks if he sounds smart, she'll like him."

Hoseok's face flushed. "Okay, listen, sir, you are incorrect." But the shy look on the third oldest's face told them otherwise.

Upstairs, Yoongi was desperately looking for some sign of his little sister. Yoongi had homework to do – math, to be exact – and he was having a lot of trouble. So when you came up to him asking to play, he immediately answered because one, it was an excuse to leave his homework, but two, he could play his adorable little sister. But when it was your turn to hide, Yoongi was asked to complete some chores and by the time he was finished, he had completely forgotten about the game he had been playing. Especially when his parents asked him if his homework was finished.

"(Y/N)," he sang, sticking his head in his parents' room. He didn't hear anything rummaging around, so he figured you weren't in there. He went to the maknaes' room and looked under their beds and their closet only to find lint and dirty underwear. He went to the study and was disappointed, and after that, every other room left him with nothing. "Come out, come out wherever you are," he murmured, clueless as to where you had gone.

Let's see, when Yoongi covered his eyes and began to count to twenty like you had told him to, he had heard his bedroom door close. He remembered being in complete silence after that, even when he shouted, "(Y/N), here I come!" But there was something he had completely overlooked – the fact that Jin's covers had stripped from his bed and tossed on the floor.

Yoongi smirked and went to his room. He immediately went over to the covers and picked them up. "Found you!" he exclaimed, but when he looked down at the carpet floor after tossing the blankets on his brother's bed, he discovered that he hadn't found you. He blinked. But then he saw your hand reach out from under the bed.

"I'm stuck," you whined, grabbing at him from your spot under the bed.

Yoongi dropped to the floor and saw your red, tear-stained face. "Oh, (Y/N/N), why didn't you say something?"

You sniffled. "I didn't want you to find me at first, but then I got stuck and you never came back."

Yoongi frowned before standing. He went to the corner of the bed and placed his hands on the bottom of Jin's bed frame. "Okay, (Y/N/N), when I lift this up, I want you to crawl out. Got it?"

"Got it," your voice squeaked, barely audible.

Yoongi took a deep breath before lifting the frame. He held it up for a few seconds until your small figure scurried out. He set the frame down and felt your small arms wrap around him.

"Yoongi, you saved me!" you giggled, squeezing his knees in your embrace. He bent down and gave you a small kiss on your forehead before ruffling your hair. But then you looked sad. "Does that mean I lost? Because you found me?"

Yoongi snickered. "Let's just say that round didn't count. Now come on, the others are waiting for us to eat."


merry late christmas/ happy late holidays cherubs <33

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