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Requested by sadrinakpoper22mynameislonglol, and MaryParinas. I combined all three of your requests, so I hope you like it :)). Enjoy~


"Okay, that was a lift," you said, catching a ball that had sailed through the air to you. "

"What?" Jungkook asked, his eyes narrowing. "That should be my point. You don't catch a ball in volleyball."

"One, we're not keeping score. Two, a lift if where you touch the ball with an open palm, aside from hitting you know. Refs normally won't call it though if it's the first ball," you informed. "If you get called for a lift, the other team gets a point, so I'd be winning right now."

"I thought you said we weren't keeping score," your youngest brother grumbled, not used to being taught by someone younger than him.

"Alright, you can either serve over or underhand," you began. "When you serve underhanded, you put your dominant foot forward, like this." You placed your feet in the correct position and Jungkook barely acknowledged it. "You step with your other foot – the one that's back – and swing with a fist at the ball." You did as you told, serving the ball lightly to your brother.

"Seems lame," he remarked.

"It is," you snickered. You caught the ball he tossed to you. "Now for overhand, I normally stand with my feet together. I then take a step tossing my ball up. But not too high, just high enough. As its up, I'll drag my other foot forward as I go to hit." You demonstrated, hitting the ball and sending it to zoom past Jungkook and hit the fence behind him.

"Now that's what I like," he grinned, wanting to use his strength for something else other than helping out around the house.

"You pass like this." You held your hands out in front of you, your fingers on top of each other forming a triangle while your thumbs held it all together. Jungkook did as you showed him. You motioned to his forearms. "This is your platform. You pass the ball here and it'll go where you want it to. You pass the ball on your thumbs, it goes crazy. You pass the ball up here above your platform, it dies out."

"Fun," he murmured, his attention span running out once again.

"Sets are like this." You tossed the ball and placed your hands underneath it, popping it back up quietly. "Be careful to try not to let it spin, or it'll be counted as a double and the other team will get the point.

"Hits are just like overhand serving pretty much," you continued. "Just snap your wrist and jump."

"Does that make me a professional volleyball player now?" he asked, a grin on his face.

"I thought you were already a professional at like, everything?" you stated.

Jungkook shrugged. "I guess."


"So, like, I don't know how to teach you to sing other than to tell you to warm your voice up beforehand," Jungkook said, his arms crossed as he sat in your bed. "Just wing it."

"I sound like a dying whale," you told him.

"I see you got Namjoon's talent," Jungkook snickered, making you roll your eyes.

"Please be serious about this," you huffed. "Jin said if we don't bond, we won't be able to go on the family trip."

Jungkook sighed before sitting up straighter. He began to teach you about notes and other things important to learning how to use your voice musically. "You should really be talking about this Jin or Jimin since they actually took chorus in school and I'm not that good myself." You hit with a pillow after he said that, saying that he was good at everything and he knew it. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, I heard that all the time."

Before you knew it, you were a little bit more confident in singing, but not a whole lot since you caught Jungkook cringing as you tried to reach a certain note or two.


"Ooh, another thing I can teach you!" Jungkook said, smiling. He left the room for a second before returning with Jin's guitar. "I can teach you how to play a bit."

"Piano is more my thing," you muttered, seeing Jungkook get ready to give you another music lesson.

"Yeah, well, we're changing that," he stated, hearing you. "I'm not the best at this, either, but we'll get you hooked up."

You sighed and tried to pay attention to all the notes and keys and other info he was spitting out to you. Your head was honestly spinning from all this new information and you didn't know if you could handle it until Jungkook thrust the guitar forward and asked you to play what he had. It was a simple song, and you tried your best, Jungkook smiling. "Look at you! You're doing great already!"

"Am I?" you asked, fidgeting with the pick in your hands. "Am I really?"

Jungkook nodded. "Before you know it, you'll be some talented musician known all over the world and selling out your concerts and everything!"

"You can design my merch," you giggled.

You heard the door crack and Jin peered in. "Have you guys had fun yet?"

Jungkook shrugged. "I guess so. I'm not that good of a teacher."

"(Y/N)?" Jin looked at you as you sat on your bed.

You nodded. "Jungkook's going to design my merch when I get famous."

Jin chuckled. "Ah, good, good. Dinner's ready, by the way."


i hope you loved it!

I'm working on a Halloween special but I know it won't be done by tomorrow night :((

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