Caught in the Rain

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Requested by MrPaboChim and kjisoo44. This is basically a part two of bullied from book two, and this will have more parts, so yes, there'll be a part two. I hope you like it and thank you for requesting!

***also not proofread***


You shivered, the rain leaving your skin cold and wet. You couldn't go back inside, though, so you remained huddled beside a bench. Your clothes were soaked through and your hair stuck to your head in a wet mess. Your swollen lip throbbed with pain and when you ran your tongue over it, the metallic taste of blood made you feel sick.

Just thirty minutes ago, you had been trying to fend your bullies off. You're weren't doing a whole lot considering you weren't the best when it came to standing up for yourself. But you tried showing that you weren't going to let their words get to you. You ignored them for as long as you could, but you couldn't help but tear up at their words. They noticed and knew you were taking their venomous words to heart. And when you went to turn and tell them to stop, one took the chance and punch you in the mouth. You had fallen back and scooted back to the wall in fear while they told you that if you stepped foot back in their school, they wouldn't hesitate to do it again. So, for thirty minutes, you had been cowering beside one of the benches on the rooftop at your school with no intentions of moving any time soon, even if the storm passing through scared you to death.

Your eyes began to droop and exhaustion began to gnaw at you. You were done. You were tired and cold. You got in a more comfortable position and let your eyes close, your body trembling underneath your wet clothes.


The sound of voices jarred you awake. You didn't move from your position, afraid that your bullies had come back for round two. You just listened quietly, hoping whoever it was would leave soon.

"She's normally always ready before I am to leave," one of the voices said. Something slammed shut and you assumed it was the door leading to the roof.

"Do you think she got sick and left earlier in the day?" another voice asked.

"No, Jin-hyung would've texted me to let me know or something," the first voice answered, sighing. You saw a pair of legs make their way over to the bench you were hiding by. The other pair took a few steps forward but stayed put other than that. The pants made it obvious that they were students from your school. You looked at the shoes belonging to the one sitting and recognized them as ones you had "gotten" for your youngest brother at Christmas. Jin had actually bought them for him and put your name on the tag so he wouldn't have all the credit. You gulped.

You situated yourself to where you could sit up a bit. The heavy rain had passed, leaving light showers behind. You had been in your position in the freezing rain for hours, worrying everyone. No one bothered to look on the roof, though, since you never really went up there.

You raised up and saw Jungkook sitting on the bench, a phone in his hand pressed to his ear and a black umbrella in the other. You watched as he frowned and pulled the phone away from his ear, giving it a sad look before he put it back in his pocket. "She's not answering her phone." He swallowed before leaning back on the wall behind him and crossing his legs. He looked up at Eli, one of his good friends. "Was there any place we missed? I think we've looked everywhere possible."

Eli shrugged before he looked at his watch. "I hate to leave you here, but I got practice in five minutes. If you don't find her before you leave here, come see me. We'll find her somehow."

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