Future Families

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Requested by TAENGIRANG__. Thank you so much for requesting and I hope you like it! I got super soft writing it hehe


It was almost time for Hoseok's shift to end. He was busy at the hospital where he worked while you were at home alone. He had texted you occasionally throughout his early shift, asking if you were okay since he knew you were alone. It was just you two for the weekend and neither one of you had any complaints.

As the minutes ticked by, you began to get leftovers from last night out to reheat so Hoseok would have something to eat when he came home. You were also hungry since you were waiting to eat with him. It just a quarter after two when you heard the front door open followed by a dramatic, "Honey, I'm home." Shortly after, your brother, clad in a pair of scrubs that were a plain maroon color, walked into the kitchen with a bright smile. "What're you up to, dongsaeng?"

"I'm fixing leftovers," you stated, watching from the corner of your eye as he sat down a bag on the counter that had an extra change of clothes just in case he needed them. He then sighed and laid his head down, seeming as though he was exhausted.

"Good, I'm starving," he groaned. "I didn't have a break today because people are stupid and undependable. Except for my dongsaeng, she's chill."

You grinned, getting the leftovers and distributing the food onto two separate plates. Once you were done, you picked both plates up and invited your brother to sit on the couch and watch some TV – which he gladly accepted. While you two were enjoying your meal, you asked him what he was wanting to be after he completed medical school. You already knew, but you just wanted to create some small talk.

"A pediatrician!" Hoseok answered happily. "I love little children and their chubby cheeks."

"That's so cute," you gushed. "That's like, the perfect job for you." You sighed, putting your head in the palm of your hand. "You're going to be such a good dad."

Hoseok shrugged, acting nonchalant about the whole "future parent" topic. However, your brother really couldn't wait to settle down with someone and have little kids. Just imagining their smiling faces asking him to get up and play with them warmed his heart up. "You think so?"

You scoffed. "Um, of course! I think eomma and appa had me to prepare you to be a dad because admit it, I've given you experience."

Hoseok laughed at your silly words, thinking of how he always took care of you when you were little. From teaching you how to swim when you were just toddler to always sleeping in your room with you to help you overcome your fear of the dark – you really had prepared him in a way. "I guess so. The others could probably say the same, though."

"But you love children!" you pressed. "This is probably really awkward to ask, but how many kids do you want?"

Hoseok gave you a sheepish grin. "I'm afraid to say because if I ever say it to any girl that dates me, I'll scare them off."

You rolled your eyes. "That's why you have to find the right one that'll be the same way. So, how many? Taehyung said he wants ten."

Hoseok chuckled. "Of course he'd say that. Um, well, five is a good number. But I don't know. That's probably so far in the future, I'll change my mind by the time anything like that happens." He pushed his plate away, finished with his food. "You know, when I get married and leave the house, you're coming with me."

You gave him an odd look. "Why? I don't think your wife would find that very appealing."

Your brother shrugged. "I don't care. You're my dongsaeng and you're going to be the best aunt to my little angels." He pursed his lips in a cute pout. "You're going to live with me and my family and take care of my little children and they'll love you so, so much. That's final."

It was your turn to laugh. "How will I be a good aunt? I haven't had years of experience with little kids before, unlike you."

"Well," your brother began, "don't act like I and the others didn't notice how all those elementary kids flocked to you when we went to the basketball game at your school the other night. You could tell they all looked up to you – literally and figuratively. You've clearly done something to catch their attention. And you didn't act like you were annoyed with the attention they gave you. You hugged each and every one without hesitation and catered to them all." He started to act like he was crying as his hands clutched the area of his chest above his heart. "It was so cute, dongsaeng. I just know you're going to be a great aunt, and a great mother at that."

You cocked your head to the side in a pout. "Hoseok, you're going to make me cry."

He stood and picked up his empty plate, as well as yours. "Moral of the story is this: if Taehyung tries to steal you away to join his family, you tell him I already called dibs."

"I'm not something you can just claim," you snipped. "But I will let him know."


what a cutie

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