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MAE's P.O.V.

Last night, at dinner, our boss finally discussed to us why we have to stay longer. Mr. Bang, the CEO of Big Hit Entertainment, offered us a deal. Before we could acquire the sole right in promoting BTS in our country we must prove to them that we have the ability to uphold BTS's and the company's honor and that we can promote them in the healthiest and most effective way. In order to do that, we must immerse in the company for a few weeks in order to understand the concept of Big Hit and BTS well enough. Actually Big Hit offered us free accommodation and allowance during our stay here. My boss said it's a win-win situation for both companies. I quite agree with him and honestly I need the extra money for my family.

I called my parents as soon Jenni and I got back to our room and told them about the sudden change of plans; that we have to stay in Korea for a bit longer than originally planned. They said that they understand and that I should not worry about them and focus on my work here. So, with my family's support and with the though of learning new things with extra income, I have fully embraced the fact that I will stay here in South Korea longer than expected.

Today, Jenni and I received a message from our boss that we can already move in to the dormitory provided by Big Hit Entertainment for its employees and we should also start working at the company as soon as we delivered our luggage to the dorm. Wow, they really don't waste time do they?

"Are you ready?" Jenni asked while zipping her luggage. "Ready for what?" I asked absent-mindedly while I sat on my luggage to force the zipper to close. "Working with BTS?" She asked while rolling her eyes at me. I paused to think. Honestly, I feel ambivalent. I am happy yet sad at the same time. I feel thrilled with the thought of possibly working with BTS but I am worried about my parents. I hope my father takes his medicines and eats his meals on time, and I hope my mom won't forget reminding my father. I am anxious, but my Mama was right, I need this, maybe through this, I could finally find what I was looking for. I am already 28 and yet, I still haven't found my dream. I still have no idea what to do with my life. "Hmmm, excited?" I replied in a questioning tone. "Why do you sound like you aren't sure?" Jenni asked skeptically. "Maybe because I am not." I replied before I stood up from my luggage and picked it up. I saw her shrugged her shoulders before she went to the table where our breakfast is already waiting.

"Come on now. Let's eat. We need energy today since it's our first day at the company." Jenni called me as took a bite of her pancake. I sighed before I walked to the table and took a seat opposite of her and started eating too.

After eating breakfast, we both got ready and by 7:30am we are already on our way to Big Hit Entertainment building. Our work officially starts at 9:00 am and ends at 6:00 P.M., but since it's our first day here, we came early for the orientation and to familiarize ourselves with our new workplace.

"Good Morning Miss Ramirez and Miss Smith! My name is Shin Hera, I am one of the Creative Director of the company and will be your senior while you will be working here." A Woman in mid-forties wearing a brown trench coat over a white blouse and black slacks in stiletto heels approached us with a smile on her face as soon as we entered Big Hit Entertainment building. She looks friendly and approachable.

"Good Morning, Miss!" Jen and I said in chorus as we bow our heads.

"Mr. Bang told me your working conditions. Miss Ramirez, I heard you are good in different languages, so you will be working with the Corporate Communication Team, Public Affairs Team, Media Information Team and Publicist Team, along with Miss Smith." Miss Shin informed us. "But before you will start your work, let me tour you around our small building." She offered and started walking towards the elevator. Jenni and I immediately followed. She brought us to the three different departments of their company, the Creative Department, the Production Department and the Accounting Department. Then she brought us to a practice room and studio. I was excited to see where BTS spend most of their time especially during practice for a comeback or tour but she belatedly mentioned that the practice room and studio of BTS Members are on another floor, only limited people has an access to it, since it is the members' sanctuary, this practice room and studio are for trainees only.

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