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MAE's P.O.V.

A cold chill ran up my spine when I realized that I am not with my Boss and Jenni anymore. And like what I thought, I'm lost. My heart began to beat faster as my mind went blank. Oh, dear! What am I going to do now? I don't have the address of our hotel. I can feel anxiety building up but I reminded myself to stay calm and think of ways on how to find them. Maybe, I can find them if I walk around. Yes, we will start with that.

And so, I started walking with no clear direction. I keep craning my left from left to right but I still see no sign of them. Where are they? I was casually searching through the airport when suddenly, I heard people screaming and running towards me. My eyes went wide as I gasped in surprise. I tried to avoid them but they were too many. It's like I was caught in a Zombie Apocalypse movie. I was bumped, pushed and then dragged to only God knows where these people are heading to. I tried to fight my way but it was futile, they were too many and too strong. And because of the chaos, I accidentally let go of my bag.  

"Wait! My bag!" I pushed harder to get out of the crowd to get my bag but they are stronger. I am starting to panic. I am in trouble if I lost those bags. I got my passport and wallet in there. I used every ounce of my strength to get out and when I am almost free I felt someone pushed me real hard which sent me falling down the floor. I groaned in pain as my knee hit the hard tiled floor. That does it! I am getting ready to fight the person who pushed me but when I looked up I saw seven lovely men walking in my direction. Did I hit my head or something? Am I hallucinating? I shook my head and blinked multiple times but the images didn't vanish. My mouth immediately dropped open in shock. I can't believe my eyes. I am frozen on my spot. Walking towards me are the members of my favorite Korean Boy Group, BTS!

I gawked at them as they pass me by, no one even bothered looking my way to help me. My expectation was immediately destroyed by the harsh reality. They all just walked past me in a hurry. They ignored me. I know I should expect anything from them but still a part of me is hurt and disappointed. I bowed my head and smiled dryly. Reality is indeed different from those fairytales and K-Dramas. I learned it the hard way. 

I am about to pick myself up when people started running again. So, instead of standing up, I crouched even lower and protected my head from being stomped over. After, a few minutes of being pushed over, there is now silence. I slowly raised my head and saw that the coast is now clear. I sighed as I slowly stood up and watch the crowd disappear from view. I shook my head. What did I get myself into? I looked down and saw my clothes full of dirt and so I started removing some of them.  A few feet away from where I am standing, I saw my bag . Luckily, both of my bags are still intact. I walked over to my bag slowly due to the pain on my right ankle. I guess I sprained it when I fell earlier.

I gave out a deep sigh as I pick-up my bags. Now, what should I do? How can I find my boss and Jenni in this huge airport? And then, an idea came to my mind. Actually, I felt kind of stupid when I didn't think of it earlier. This airport has a free WIFI for all! I could've just contacted them through Viber or Messenger. I hit my forehead with the palm of my hand in frustration. Now where is that phone of mine?

I was busy looking through my pocket for my phone when I realized it wasn't there anymore. I felt like I got drenched my cold water all over again. Did I just lost my phone? A part of me is in denial and so I opened my bags and searched for it but unfortunately, I found nothing. I can feel my tears starting to pool in my eyes as fear and anxiety crawls in.

Oh my God! I lost my phone! Now what should I do? I wiped away the tear that escaped from my eye and slumped on the cold tiled floor. I was pondering on what to do next when I heard my name being called from the speakers inside the airport.

"Attention Miss Mae Ramirez, please proceed to the information center. Miss Mae Ramirez, please proceed to the Information Center as soon as possible. Thank you." My heart skipped a beat. I have a feeling that my boss and Jenni are the ones who paged me. I immediately stood up and picked up my bags as I made my way towards the Information center. A few steps away, I breathed out a sigh of relief. My hunch was right! It was my boss and Jenni who were looking for me.

"Where were you? Are you okay?." Jenni asked me worriedly. Her soft voice makes me want to vent out what happened earlier. "Jenni, Boss, I'm sorry." I bowed and apologized. I felt a hand tapping on my shoulder and when I look up, I saw Jenni with an understanding smile. "It's okay! What is important is you are here now." She consoled me. I was so touched with the gestured and so I hugged her. "Thank you, Jenni! Promise, I won't stray from our group anymore." I promised which made her smile and patted my head like a kid. I think Jenni and I will soon become best friends. I didn't know she is this nice.

"That's enough. We have to go now. Our Limo is already waiting outside for 30 minutes. We still have a meeting this afternoon, remember?" Mr. Sim, our boss reminded and that made Jenni and I looked at each other and nodded at the same time. "What are you both waiting for, let's go!" Mr. Sim grabbed his bags and started walking towards the exit and so we have no other choice but to follow.  

We were walking when I felt someone hold my left wrist. I looked up and saw Jenni. I gave her a questioning look. "Just in case, so that you won't get lost again." She answered my silent question with a cheeky smile. And, because she has a very pretty smile I got carried away and smiled back. "Thank you, Jenni." I muttered. "You are always welcome." She replied with a wink that made me chuckle. 

We were already on our ride that will bring us to the hotel when the scene with BTS at the airport earlier replayed on my head as I look out the window of our service. I am really disappointed, especially with Jungkook but maybe I should just understand them. People are chasing them and it was actually getting chaotic and so to prevent further damage or injury, they need to leave the airport as soon as possible to prevent any accident that could harm them or the fans.


After months of being away because of the tour we finally arrived home. I immediately lied on our sofa bed and stretched my aching body, but then I felt something hard in the pocket of my jogging pants. I took the thing out, then I remembered picking this up at the airport earlier thinking that it was my phone.

"Oooooh, Jung Kook-ah! What is that?" Seokjin hyung put his head over my shoulder to check the phone I was holding.

"A phone." I answered nonchalantly. Then he hit me on my shoulder. I made a face and also hit him on the shoulder but stronger. He acted like it was painful and then laughed out loud. I shook my head with a smile on my lips. 

"I know it's a phone. I am not stupid! Why are you staring at it like it's something you have never seen before?" Seokjin-hyung asked while his laughter died down. His eyes are locked on the phone I was holding.

"Nothing, hyung." I answered lazily before putting the phone back in my pocket. I want to answer his question but if I tell him that it isn't my phone, his questions will never stop, and  right now, I have no energy to answer his curiosity. When I felt that Seokjin hyung already went to his room, I took the phone out again and decided to open it. I am also curious about this phone. I wonder who the real owner is. I pushed the power button and watch as the phone came to life.

I opened it and  got shocked when I saw the wallpaper. It is photo of me and a girl facing each other so close as if we were going to kiss. I tried to zoom in to check some details but I forgot it was already the wallpaper. Maybe I should check her gallery. I opened the gallery and most of the photos and videos there are mostly me and the other members. Look's like the owner of this phone is our fan. 

I opened one album and saw some selfies and group pictures. I was busy studying the possible owner's face when I heard someone spoke right behind me. "She is cute." Jimin hyung commented while his eyes are glued on the phone I was holding. I don't know what came to me, but I instinctively hid the phone away from his prying eyes. "Why are you hiding that?" Jimin hyung asked playfully while trying to grab the phone from my hand. "Nothing." I answered as I stood up to and went to the kitchen to get myself some banana milk and leave Jimin hyung alone.

After getting a bottle of banana milk, I went directly to my room to take a shower and freshen up. After taking a shower, I finally laid down on my bed and took the phone I picked up at the airport earlier to check more details so that I could return this phone to the owner. I wonder though, is it better for me to search for her directly or should I just return it to the airport's Lost and Found section? Which one is better? I wonder.

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