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MAE's P.O.V.

I keep on checking up my phone for new updates about Jungkook. It seems like a lot of ARMYs already know Jungkook's current whereabouts.  I looked up to check how he is feeling with his outfit and found him staring at me too. "Are you okay?" He asked with a soft voice. I forced a smile and nodded. He then touched my face with the palm of his hand and caressed it lightly. "Don't worry. I already informed Manager Sejin and he said he will take care of it." He muttered. I closed my eyes and sighed as I touched his hand on my cheek.

"Are you both gays?" The driver suddenly asked. I whipped my head in his direction so fast I thought I will have a whiplash. "Yeah, do you have any problem with that?" I asked with a raised eyebrow in annoyance. The driver only frowned at my question but remained silent as he continued driving. I have no problem being called gay and all but the tone of the driver in asking is like he is insulting us.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and saw Jungkook shook his head to stop me from arguing with the driver. I sighed as I slumped back on my seat. I felt Jungkook's arm snaked on my shoulders before he pulled me towards him and then kissed my temple. I looked at the rearview mirror and caught the driver watching us with malicious eyes. I glared at the driver which made him look back on the road. This is too stressful. I just want to get off this taxi as soon as possible. I closed my eyes as I buried my face on Jungkook's chest. 

"Noona, Noona wake up, we are already at the airport." I heard Jungkook whispered in my ear. I opened my eyes and pushed myself away from him. I didn't realize I fell asleep. "I... I'm sorry. I fell asleep. How much is the total bill?" I asked as I open my bag to get some money to pay for our fare. "Don't worry. I have taken care of it." He muttered as he helped me put my backpack on. "Okay, I will pay you my share later." I replied. He looked at me before he shook his head. As we were going down. I saw the driver looking at us maliciously and then as I closed the door I saw him put his phone up and took a photo of us. How can I be sure it was a photo? Well it is because of the sound and the flash coming from the phone. 

My eyes went wide. I was about to chase it but Jungkook suddenly grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him. "Let it be." He muttered. "But... but what if he posts it on social media and people will recognize you?" I asked worriedly. He looked at me and then smiled. "And so what? I don't see any problem with that." He stated as he stare at the disappearing taxi. I looked at him in disbelief. 

"Noona, this will only be the start. I know that you already know what is coming next once we officially announce that we are back together in public, right?" I closed my mouth and nodded in answer as I took a deep sigh. I felt his hand held my hand tighter. "We can do this. Just trust me, okay?" I stare deep into his eyes and saw his sincerity and determination. I closed my eyes and nodded in agreement. "Okay." I replied which made him smile. 

He pulled my hand as we walk towards the airport. I looked at Jungkook who was leading the way and saw how beautiful and sexy he looks with my dress. "You know that outfit suits you." I teased. He looked back at me and raised his eyebrow. "Really?" He asked in a girly voice which made me giggled. "But I don't think I can I can still wear this when we board the flight because they will be checking my passport." I stopped giggling and realized that he was right. "Okay. Then, I guess we have no other choice but to do our best to hide your identity during the flight and hope that no one recognized you although I know it is quite impossible because you are so famous." I muttered as I look at the ground and pouted. 

Jungkook suddenly stopped walking and faced me. I felt his hand on my chin as he lifted my face up to look at him. "Don't worry too much. Everything will be fine." He encouraged me. I sighed and nodded my head and forced a smile on my face even though I can feel like my heart is ready to burst out of my chest in fear and nervousness. He smiled at me before he bent his head down and kiss me lightly on the lips. I can feel a blush creeping on my cheeks. "Yah!" I scolded him as I look around us in case some eyes are watching us but luckily, there was none. "Relax. There are not a lot of people around." He whispered before he took my hand and pulled me with him towards the Men's Comfort Room. I pulled my hand from him which made him stop walking and stare at me in confusion. 

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