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MAE's P.O.V.

"I never thought that I will find you again after all these years. Fate brought us back together. I will never let you leave me again. I love you, always!"

His heartfelt statement brought tears to her eyes. He has loved this man as long as she can remember. There was no else but him in her heart. A tear escaped from her eyes as their past memories came to her mind. It was hard loving him but she never regretted it. His face slowly descended to claim her lips and when their lips touched it was as if the universe stopped and nothing else matters except the two of them and the rapid beating of their heart.

I smiled as I put the final period in my story. "Yes! Finally! I finished it!" I jumped out of my chair and did a little stretching. I can't believe that I finished my third story. Now all I need to do is submit it to my editor for proofreading. I hope that this story will be a success like my first two stories.

I felt my stomach rumble. I lit up my phone to check the time but I was immediately distracted by my wallpaper. It's the latest picture of the guy I have been loving for so long. "Jeon Jung Kook." I whispered his name as I touched the screen of my phone. It's been a two years since I left Guam without personally saying goodbye to them. I regretted it, but I know that it is for the better. I am still a huge fan of BTS because once an A.R.M.Y. always an A.R.M.Y. so I stay updated through the social media. I put the phone close to my heart as if hugging him. I miss him.

Two years have gone and passed by so fast. A lot of things happened. My father who had a heart attack was able to survive, thanks to God, but he needed close supervision and that is why I immediately talked to our boss and asked his permission to let me stay in the Philippines to help him recover. Luckily, he agreed. Jen covered for me, but unfortunately it didn't take long before I was forced to resign because it wasn't enough.  I need to take care of my father full time. I was sad but I had no choice since I am a Nurse by profession and so the whole responsibility of taking care of our father was immediately put on me. It was hard, but with the help of BTS music and watching their videos helped me get by, especially Jeon Jung Kook. Seeing him smile immediately put me on a good mood. They are really my sanctuary.

I hate being idle and so while I have no job, I tried to keep myself busy by writing fanfictions while taking care of our father. I never knew I could actually write one until a friend of mine encouraged me since she loved my ideas. I kept on writing and writing until I find the courage to publish it on Wattpad. It was a story that was inspired by my experience with BTS. It didn't take long before my fellow A.R.M.Y.s started noticing it, and they love it. Their compliments fueled me and made me finish the story I never knew I could write and before I knew it, the story reached 50 million reads. I was in shock and in disbelief until a publisher contacted me and offered my story to be published on paperback. From that moment on my life began to change.

Right now, I already published two books, just finished my third book which will be submitted tomorrow. My father has fully recovered and now, I am living my own life but the weird thing is, I still feel incomplete. There is a hollow space I feel in my heart. Next month I will be turning thirty, maybe I need to find a suitable husband-to-be. I need to have a love life. I need something that can add flavor to my boring life.

I was woken up from my reverie when my phone vibrated, a notification that BTS posted something on twitter made my heart skip a beat. Could it be Jung Kook posting an update? Wait, what time is it? Why are they still awake? Oh yeah, I just remembered that they are currently promoting the United States for their new released album. The update was from Hoseok. Looks like they finished filming for an interview. I wonder how he is. I kept on scrolling through my social networking sites to read news about BTS until I feel asleep.

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