Join The Club

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Lucina was calmly reading a book in her room, her favorite in fact. She was feeling a little sick, and she didn't want to "contaminate" the others, so she stayed in her room until she felt better. Palutena and Robin had popped in a couple of times, just to make sure she was okay.

She finished a chapter of her book, when there was a quick knock on her door.

"Come in," Lucina said, not looking away. No one opened the door. Instead, a piece of paper was slid under her door. Lucina stared at it for a bit, before standing up and going to get it.

"'Come to Palutena's room now'," She read it out loud. "What? Well I don't want to get them sick. I'm pretty sure I have mask somewhere here." She looked through one of her drawers and found a mouth mask with a teddy bear mouth designed on it. She put the ends around her ears and walked over to Palutena's room.

"Pal? Hey, what did you need me for?" Lucina asked, knocking on her door.

"Come in, my child," she heard Palutena's voice say. She opened the door slowly, only to find Marth, Peach, and Palutena sitting on the floor in a circle, holding hands. The lights were off, the only light coming from candles.  "Join us, become one with the shipping."

"What?" Lucina said.

"Join our shipping club," Peach smirked.

"What is a shipping club?" Lucina asked.

"Close the door, and sit," Palutena said. Lucina nodded, a little uncomfortable, and did as she said. She sat between Marth and Palutena and held their hands.

"Could you explain what is going on? What the heck is a shipping club?" 

"Here, we talk about people who we think would be good together, and come up with names for them," Marth explained.

"We already have a few, but we can't tell you until you become an official member," Peach said.

"So, you want to?" Palutena asked. Lucina thought about it for a moment. Well, she certainly saw a few people who could be good couples, and she had never been in a club before.

"Sure, I'll join," Lucina agreed.

"Perfect! Now we must tell you who we think are cute couples," Peach said.

"First, a pretty obvious one," Marth said.

"You and Robin," Palutena smirked.


"You come from the same place," Marth said.

"So do you, Roy, and Ike!"

"You care about each other a lot," Peach said.

"Every friend does that!"

"Oh and you blush every time you touch," Palutena said. "I'm sure you both get that feeling."

"The feeling of love!" Peach smiled.

"We're just friends, okay? There's nothing happening between us," Lucina said, a shade of pink tinting her cheeks.

Palutena giggled. "Alright, alright, whatever you say. Anyway, we also ship-"

"Palutena and Pit," Peach interrupted.

"Wait what?" Palutena asked. "I didn't know that!"

"I can see that," Lucina said. "Though I see it more as you being his mom."

"That's offensive!" Palutena said. "I'm not that much older than him!"

"Aren't you a goddess? You're supposed to be thousands of years old, right?" Peach asked.

"I- you- ugh! Whatever, anyway, we also ship Ike and Samus," Palutena said.

"Yep! I saw the way he first looked at her, and those were the eyes of someone who is in love!" Marth grinned.

"Oh yeah, Ike been acting really nice around her for the few days we've known each other," Lucina said. "I ship that, is that what you say?"

"Yes, us and probably billions of other people out there in the real world," Palutena said.

"The real world? What?" Marth asked.

"Nothing, anyway, we also ship Link and Zelda," Palutena said.

"What? How? She acts the same literally around everyone," Lucina said. "Wait I feel like that came out as mean. She's a very nice and helpful person, don't get me wrong, but how did you come up with that one?"

"We needed someone to ship her with," Peach said. "We were gonna go with Roy, but it just didn't work out."

"Hm, I see, but what about Marth? He'd be someone good, at least I think so," Lucina said.

Palutena laughed. "See, that's a crack ship. We ship Marth with Peach."

"I still don't see why," Peach said, glancing at Marth.

"Actually, you two have a lot in common. You're both drama queens, you're not morning people, you get annoyed pretty easily-"

"Okay, okay, we get it," Marth sighed. "We still haven't found people for Roy and Shulk, maybe they'll be together."

"I don't know about Roy, but Shulk isn't LGBTQ," Lucina said. "He actually has a loved one back at he's home, Fiora  was her name."

"Oh, well, I guess Roy is forever alone," Marth shrugged.

"Well, I think that concludes our meeting for today," Palutena said, standing up. "Don't tell anyone about this club, only those in it can now what's going on. Next time, we'll discuss ways to get our ships together."

"Sounds good, see ya," Lucina said and walked out of her room. What had she just gotten herself into?

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