What Does It Feel Like? part 2

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"Boys, you're gonna get kidnapped! And us girl are going to save you." They blinked. What did she just say? They just wanted to know what it felt like, not experience it! But then again, this is Peach, so of course she was gonna do that.

"Wait, wait, what? We are gonna get kidnapped?" Link asked.

"You want to know what it feels like don't you? I know da wae, we know da wae, and we will guide you!" Peach smiled. "You're getting kidnapped tomorrow, I gotta contact Bowser to come and do it."

"You have your kidnappers phone number?!" Samus asked.

"Of course! Why wouldn't I?"

"Because he keeps you locked in a castle for days, maybe?"

"We go karting and play sports together it's fine! Anyway, we have to prepare you guys. You have to get the full experience if your gonna get kidnapped, which means," Peach paused. "You gotta wear dresses!"

"WHAT?!" All the boys yelled.

"Oh and corsets as well, you're gonna get to know what it's like to be a kidnapped princess! Isn't that exciting?"


"We have to go shopping for them, we'll be back, tata!"

"Take care of Snowy for us!" The guys stood there in shock as they watched the girls leave. Were... were they really about to do this?

"Maybe if we hide we won't have to do it?" Roy suggested. They nodded and picked places to hide, even if it meant they were extremely uncomfortable. They were not about to get kidnapped by some giant turtle, and stay in dresses the whole time. That would just be torture. 

"You just had to ask Pit?!" Ike whispered, sitting behind the kitchen counter.

"I'm sorry!"

"The boy was curious,  we can't blame him for that."

"It won't be that bad, I'm sure. I must say I'm a little excited for the corset."

"Of course Marth's the only one excited for this!"

"Shut up! They're gonna come back soon."

"Robin, they just left! How are they gonna be back?"

"It's five girls, they'll be back soon."

"But they left five minutes-"

"They'll be back soon."

"Okay, dang, chill! We gotta escape, before they-"

"WE'RE BACK, BOYS! Time to put on some dresses!" Peach smirked and clasped her hands together and easily grabbed the boys one by one. She threw them (yes literally) to the living room as they cowered in fear. They looked at the many bags, filled with dresses, shoe-boxes, and worse, corsets!

"Alright, men, strip!" Peach said.

"W-what?! We're not gonna strip in front of you guys!" Ike yelled.

"Fine, take of your shirts then, we need to put on these corsets first," Peach said as she held up a corsets. The guys looked at each other, blushing slightly, and took off their shirts. "Good, good, you won't have to actually wear this until tonight, since we don't know how early Bowser's coming."

"You're telling me we're gonna have to sleep in those?!" 

"Correct! Now, ladies, let's move. I'll take care of Marth, Zelda you go with Link, Samus with Ike, Lucina with Robin, and Palutena with Shulk. Roy and Pit, we'll take care of you last." The girls walked over to the guys with corsets as they slowly backed away.

"Now, let's talk about this, we don't need to do it!" Robin yelled.

"This is gonna be fun," Lucina smirked. She jumped behind Robin and wrapped the corset around his waist and clipped it over in the front. Then she tightly pulled the strings, making Robin groan.

"Oh my god! That's not a good feeling," Robin groaned. Lucina giggled and pulled tighter.

"Do you princesses have to wear these?!" Link asked as Zelda as she pulled the strings.

"Stand up straight please, and we only do on special occasions like balls or visits from people with high-rankers," Zelda said.

"Wow Marth, you've got a pretty nice waist," Peach said and pulled the strings. "And you're not even complaining."

"I've worn corsets before and before you say it, no, it wasn't because I wanted to be a girl," Marth sneered. "It's because my friend Caeda always tries them on me first."

"Why don't you tell her to stop?" Ike groaned. 

"Because, she's my ex, I don't want things to go bad, especially now that we're friends again," Marth said.

"I can't breathe," Shulk groaned.

"I only pulled three times! Here, just lean on the couch with your arms, it'll help," Palutena said.

"Okay, okay, I hate my life," Shulk said. They continued pulling until it was at their desired size. Then they put on their dresses, long, comfy dresses. At least it was in their favorite colors!

"I hate all of you," Roy said.

"Teehee! We love you too, Roy," Peach smiled and gave him a peck on the cheeks, making the tips of his ears red.

"Not only that, but you gotta have long hair!" Samus smirked and took out a blue wig.

"Oh no! No, I refuse to wear a wig!" Shulk said.

"Oh well!" Palutena shrugged and forcefully put the wig on him. It reached down to his waist and part of it was tied back. He crossed his arms and sat on the couch.

"We also got extensions, since most of you guys have pretty long hair," Lucina said as she put a wig on Robin.

"Can we at least take our weapons?" Link asked.

"Nope, that's not how kidnapping works! We'll save you, you'll be fine, I told Bowser to treat you guys the way he treats me," Peach said.

"That wouldn't be in the sexual sense, right?" Ike asked.

"You dirty-minded perv! Of course not!" Peach yelled. "He treats me with the out most kindness! He'll give you whatever you want, I'm not sure about his personality towards you however. Now put on your shoes."

"I don't care, I regret asking," Pit said. He bowed down to Palutena, clasping his hands. "Lady Palutena, please don't make me do this."

Palutena patted his head. "I'm afraid it's too late now, my dear Pitty-Pat, but don't worry! We'll come for you guys soon-!"

"BWAHAHAHAHAH!" The door smashed open, and quicker than anyone could realize, the guys, who were fully dress, were swiped from beside them. They were all being squished by a giant turtle monster on it's koopa clown car. "Try and save them, if you can. BWAHAHAHAHAH!" The turtle flew away, taking the guys with him.

"Oh, so that's what a surprise kidnapping is like," Lucina said.

"Aren't all kidnappings surprises?" Samus asked.

"I sure didn't expect this, but ladies, it's time," Peach smirked. "Let's get ready!" They all ran to their rooms and changed into armor.

 Instead of wearing her longer dress, Peach decided to put on her shorter pink dress. She also wore sneakers and her hair was in a ponytail. Zelda changed into sand colored pants, brown battle boots, and the top purple part of her dress. She put on her shoulder and chest armor armor and strapped on her rapier and arrows as well as her crown. Her hair was tied back and braided at the end, with two strands in the front, like normal basically. The rest wore their normal clothing and weaponry, Samus wearing her Zero Suit, and Lucina took her mask in case she needed it. Once they were all done, they walked out of the house proudly, ready for battle.

"It's time for us to be the heroes!"

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