TP, OH Side: The Letter

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They stood in shock and awe as they watched Zelda walk away from them, possibly for ever. Samus looked down, her eyebrows coming together and he lips forming a thin line. She stomped over to Link and took him by the collar, pulling him up from the couch.

"This is all your fault!" She yelled.

"What? How is it my fault she left, it's her choice!" Link said.

"Oh don't be like that with me, little boy, I know exactly what you did."

"What do you mean?"

"Yeah, what did Link do to Zelda? Is this why you guys aren't... good now?" Ike asked.

"This asshole-"

"Samus." Robin gave her a cold hard glare, and that was enough to make her stop talking and let go of Link. "That is none of our business. Marth, read the letter."

"O...kay," Marth said quietly. He opened the envelope first, then when he opened the letter, a bright blue light shone of from it. Marth immediately dropped it and stepped away, as well as the others. When the light toned down a bit, a hologram of a woman with white hair was there.

"That's the woman that came to see Zelda!" Peach said.

"What the hell," Ike said.

"Greetings, Zelda's friends, my name is Impa, I am Zelda's caretaker," the hologram said.

"Nice to meet you!" Pit grinned.

"This isn't a call Pit," Shulk said.


"We need your help," Impa said. "We have found new information about the Yiga, which if you don't know, have been Hyrule's main enemy for many years. We had infiltrated their lair the day Zelda arrived at the house. Since then, we found they had been planning a massive attack on Hyrule. So in order to prevent that, we evacuated all the citizens to Zora's Domain, and those walking around the town are merely illusions created by Zelda and many other wizards."

"Damn, impressive," Lucina said.

"That's my girl!" Roy grinned. Link glared at him.

"They planned to attack on the night of the Winter's End Ball. There, at 9:00 pm sharp, they would launch a signal, and the Yiga would come out and attack the citizens. However, before that, they planned to do something else. At 8:45 pm, they planned to assassinate Zelda."

"What?!" Link yelled.

"Like hell I'm about to let that happen," Samus said.

"The person who plans the assassinate Zelda is Kohga, the leader of the Yiga, himself. He will be disguised as a man in a blue suit. Zelda will be responsible of taking him out as soon as possible. However, in order to do that without making herself look somewhat suspicious, she will get hurt. She will get stabbed. And there's the complete possibility she may die."

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