Bonus Chapter: The Next Generation

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He slowly stood from his bed in the castle. He sighed, smiling. He grabbed the envelope he had put on his dresser the night before. He opened it up, just to make sure he had memorized the address correctly. Smash Ball House, 1999 Master Avenue, Smashville, yes, I was right, he thought. There was a sudden knock at his door, and he didn't even need to ask to know who it was.

"Hurry up, Luke, we're leaving in an hour," he heard his little sister say.

"I know, I know," he said. "Are you ready, Zeldie?" He smirked to himself, imagining the annoyed look on his sisters face.

"Stop that, it's annoying. Mom is Zelda, I'm Lily," she said.

"You're gonna have to go by Zelda when mom dies, you know?"

"Shut up, I don't want to imagine that. Now move your ass and get ready, you stupid mage!"

"Alright alright, sword lady!" He laughed as he heard her walk away, or better said stomping away.

He stretched his arms as he walked to the bathroom and did his business. He considered whether or not to leave his hair down, quickly deciding to tie it up since it was his first time meeting everyone. He wanted to look nice and formal after all.

After getting dressed, he grabbed his luggage and was out the door in an instant.


He stopped to have breakfast in the dinning room, accompanied by his sister. He ruffled her brown hair with blonde tips, in an attempt to annoy her. It worked.

"Dammit Luke! I spent an hour on my hair!" She yelled, trying to pat it back down.

"Now, now, what's the problem?" Both of them turned to the large wooden doors as their mother walked in, a sweet smile on her face.

"Mom! Luke's screwing up my hair!" Lily whined.

"I'm just trying to make it look better," Luke snickered.

"Now now, Luke," their mother said, taking a seat next to her son. "Be good to your sister, I won't be there to stop you too from fighting."

"Alright, I apologize. Where's father?" Luke asked.

"Training the knights."

"This early? Will he be here to say goodbye at least?"

"I'm afraid not, he's training the new ones."

"You mean those weaklings?"


"Whatever, we have to go. Now!" Lily took her brother's arm and dragged him out of his chair, not before he could grab a piece of toast.

"We'll call as soon as we can, ma!" Lily called out.

"Wish us luck!" Luke said.

"Good luck!" Their mother yelled. Then, once they were out of the room, Zelda smiled and whispered, "You'll need it."


Luke and Lily stood just outside the house, admiring it from a distance. They wiped their clothes quickly, then did a double check on everything.

"Boot's clean?" Lily asked. They both looked down at their nearly matching brown boots.

"Check," Luke said. "Crown placed correctly?"

"Mine's in my bag."

"Same with mine, soooo... check."

"We're early right?"

"Yeah, I doubt any one else is here."

"You never know, bro, you never know."

Luke rolled his eyes at his sister and waved their driver goodbye. They walked up to the front door, and he was about to knock when the door opened. On the other side, a tall, kinda scrawny looking guy stood. He had blue hair, and wore a blue turtleneck, pink shorts and Gucci slides. He had a smug grin on his face as he leaned against the door frame.

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