It's The Final Showdown!

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The girls opened the large wooden doors, to be greeted with Bowser smiling wickedly from his throne. Behind him, there was a giant glass bottle with the boys squished inside it. The guys looked at them, glad they were there, but also confused. And they didn't blame them.

Palutena was chibi, Lucina was wearing a blue helmet and a shell, Samus' outfit was white and red. Peach and Zelda were normal though.

"I see you have come to whoop my ass," Bowser smirked.

"How many times do I have to say this? LAN-GU-AGE! For gods' sake," Palutena sighed.

"Well it's not gonna happen this time!" Bowser laughed, ignoring Palutena's comment. He stood from his throne and slowly walked to them.

Peach giggled. She took her pink parasol and twirled it around, moving closer to Bowser as she did.

"Oh, Bowser, there's five of us, and one of you," Peach smirked. "You don't have a chance. In fact, I'm sure each one of us individually could easily beat you."

Bowser laughed. "You sound very confident, princess, but are you really so sure? Coming from the person that can fight, yet gets kidnaped all the time, it doesn't sound reassuring."

"Teeheehee, oh Bowser, you really shouldn't doubt me, or us," Peach snapped her fingers. 

Bowser tilted his head, when he heard something behind him. He turned his head only to be greeted by Samus and Zelda's feet. They both used something to power up the kick, Samus her heel and Zelda her magic. They rocketed Bowser forward, towards Palutena. She may be small, but she's got power. She charged up an attack and raised her staff, a blue beam of light erupting from the ground, in enough time for it to hit Bowser and launch him up. However, some of his horn hit her as he flew up, killing her. She came back normal size just as quick and Zelda popped her bubble. Peach, Palutena, Zelda, and Samus ran all the way to the other side, where the throne was.

"Peach!" Lucina yelled, ready to rocket Bower back down.

"Already got it," Peach smiled as she stood by a large axe. Lucina nodded and jumped twice so she was above Bowser.

"Now!" Lucina said. Peach nodded and hit the axe, making it fall to the floor. The ground above Bowser and Lucina fell, to reveal a pit of lava. Lucina took her sword out and thrust her sword into Bowser's stomach, and took it out quickly. She grabbed onto a torch, which was thankfully not lit.

"I will have my revenge!" Bowser yelled as he melted into the lava. Lucina jumped over to where the other girls were. The floor closed up again, and the yellow light of the lava was gone. As well as the Koopa King.

"That was easy," Samus chuckled. "Now let's save those men."

"Aye!" They ran towards the bottle and stood underneath it. Peach told the boys to clear the middle, and after they did, she struck the bottle with the bottom of her parasol, breaking it into a million pieces. The guys screamed as they fell. They closed their eyes, expecting pain, but it never came. When they opened their eyes, Roy and Shulk were on a soft white cloud, while the rest were in the arms of their "lovers." Bridal-style.

"What the heck?" Link asked. He looked at Zelda, his face completely red. Zelda looked at him as well and shrugged.

"You are very strong," Ike said to Samus.

"Why thank you," Samus grinned.

"Oh geez, I'm sorry you all had to deal with this," Robin said. Lucina smiled and kissed his forehead. Robin's face turned scarlet, and he tried to hide his face with his hands, but that didn't work. Lucina giggled and patted his head.

"Wow Pit, you're lighter than I expected," Palutena said, lifting him higher.

"Lady Palutena!"

"Thank you ladies, I never wish to experience this again," Marth said. "Also Peach, you are a lot stronger than I believed."

"What's with the accent?"  Peach asked. "And thanks! I appreciate it coming from you."

"Drop the accent or I'll cut your hair while you sleep," Ike threatened.

"No! Not my hair!" Marth said normally and held his hair tightly.

"Back home we go!" Peach smiled and they marched out of the castle, still carrying the guys. Meanwhile, Roy and Shulk sat on the cloud, bored. They sighed at the same time and laid on their stomachs.

"Forever alone?" Roy said and raised his fist to Shulk.

He bumped it with his fist. "Forever alone."

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