The Noises Of The Night

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They flew back to Smashville once the week was over. They arrived late at night, so everyone went right to bed, not even bothering to shower. They all got under covers and closed their eyes ready to relax.

Except Shulk. He decided to go on his phone for a bit. As he was, he heard something outside. He looked out his window, there was nothing there. He raised a brow and looked back at his phone. He heard it again. Nothing there. What the hell? He thought. He texted Robin about it. He responded by asking if he was scared. Shulk told him he wasn't, he was mostly curious to what it was. And he didn't want it bother him the rest of the night. Robin asked what it sounded like, and he answered it sounded like and animal almost. They ended the conversation with talking about it tomorrow.


When morning came, Shulk quickly got up and showered. He changed into a pair of sweats and some socks. Yeah it's July but who cares? He walked downstairs and grabbed his breakfast, that was made by the great Marth. He basically chugged it down and put the plate in the dishwasher. He sat back down and looked around for Robin, but the tactician was no where in sight.

"Where's Robin?" He asked.

"We forced him to go grocery shopping with Palutena," Marth said while sharpening a knife. "He'll be back."

"You look really menacing," Ike sneered.

"I was just sharpening it for our Late 4th of July barbecue!" Marth said and put the knife away.

"That's not until next week!"

"What's 4th of July Marth?" 

"It's the celebration of the United States of America, they celebrate their independence."

"Actually, it celebrates the anniversary of the Declaration of Independence," Zelda corrected.

"What's an 'United States of America?' And what's a 'Declaration of Independence?'" Pit asked, Roy nodding along.

"You know who The Game Theorists is but you don't know that?" Samus asked.

"They're children, of course they don't know," Peach smiled and patted their heads. They both pouted.

"We're here!" Palutena grinned as she came in with two bags, Robin behind her with like twelve.

"I could use some help," Robin wobbly said as he walked in. Link quickly went to his aid. Once they were done putting everything away, Robin walked over to Shulk and sat next to him.

"So what's up? You heard an animal last night?"

"Yeah, but I don't know what it might've been!"

"Maybe it was a bunny running by?"

"Multiple times? I don't think so. Plus, it's not like it was on the grass, it sounded like wings flapping."

"It's probably just a bird, it'll be okay."

"Whatever you say, but if I hear it again, I'm moving over to your room!"


Peach put her hair in curlers that night. She had to make sure her hair was beautiful! It was the best part of her! Or at least the biggest. After she was done with that, she walked over to her bed and sat on it. She flinched a little when lightning illuminated her room. She laid back and rested her head on her pillow. She snuggled up to her giant teddy bear and hugged her other stuffed animals close to her. 


Peach shot up and looked around for the sound. She walked close to window to see it was something from outside. She noticed something slightly blocking out some of the view. Lightning struck, illuminating it. She saw wide eyes looking at her. She screeched and fell to the floor in absolute horror. She backed away quickly and leaned up against her bed.

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