To The Beach! To The Pool!

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In a longer than expected amount of time, the squad finally reached Isle Delfino. And this time, no goo or paint made the landing harsh. They got off the plane, only to get on a yacht to go to the hotel. Peach signed them in and gave each individual a key to their rooms. Which they would be sharing with someone else. Marth and Palutena decided to begin their plan once they got to the pool. They walked to their rooms to get ready for the pool. 

"Hey Zel?" Samus said.


"Which swimsuit should I wear?" She showed her all the ones she brought that were laying on her side of the bed. Zelda put her book down and examined them.

"I'd say the one piece," she answered and gave it to her. "If the guys saw you in a bikini on the first day, well, they're gonna lose a lot of blood."

"Yeah, true, well I'mma go change," Samus said and walked to the bathroom. After a bit she came out wearing shorts on top of her swimsuit.

"You're not gonna put on a shirt?" Zelda said as she walked to the bathroom.

"Meh, unnecessary if you ask me," Samus said. She laid on the bed and took out her phone and started playing some games. "Hey, have you ever wondered if there's some parallel universe where we go to university and we used to be roommates and Link actually has a brother and Palutena isn't part of the squad and instead some other girl that likes orange and we fight against the forces of darkness? Because I sure haven't."

"Okay then," Zelda said as she walked out of the bathroom, wearing shorts and a purple tank top, her hair in a high ponytail.

"No really, have you ever thought about there being some other world where we're actually video characters?" Samus asked.

"Samus," Zelda gave Samus the "are-you-really-that-stupid" look, well she would've she showed emotion. "You were playing Mario Kart, Metroid, and BoTW on our way here."

"Yeah, but do people play our games?"

"Doesn't matter, it's getting too meta. "

"Shouldn't you and Link know each other? I mean, you are your TP versions."


"Okay, okay, I was just wondering chill! What's this book you were reading?" Samus reached for the book, but was stopped by Zelda twisting her arm slightly backward. "Ow! What the hell!"

"Don't. Touch. My. Books."

"Sheesh okay!"Samus whined and Zelda let her go. "What's the book anyway? You've been reading it non-stop today."

"It's called Slated, it's a dystopian book, that's all I'm saying."

"Really? Hm, sounds interesting, can I borrow it once you're done reading it?"

"Sure, I only have a page left so you'll have it in a bit." Zelda laid back down on the bed. She opened the book, scanned the page and handed it over to Samus.

"You're done? Didn't you just start it today?" Samus asked as she took it.

"Yes, and I have the whole series too." Zelda reached for her bag, took the second book out, and put it back in.

"Well aren't you a book worm? Anyway, we have ten minutes until we meet up at the lobby, what do wanna do?"

"Mario Kart?"



Lucina was helping Palutena fit into her swimsuit, which was surprisingly hard.  She pulled up the top, trying get her in. She was really doubting the odds of it fitting.

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