Sleep Over

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Remember that story I mentioned I was gonna do a while ago, but then it got delayed because of Snowflake, Flowers For My Love? Yeah that's coming out after this story is over

Here's the description so get a sort of overview:

Link is the prince of Hyrule, and almost everyday, he goes down to a small flower shop to buy some flowers. According to him, they're for someone he loves dearly.

Zelda is one of the owners of the flower shop, and it's really odd to have the prince of Hyrule visit almost everyday.

After a bit, you have to wonder:

Who is his Love?

... yeah

It's weird, ain't it?

Welp, peace! Muah

-Em :)


"Y'all saw this coming," Palutena said.

"The last time we had a sleep over, it didn't go so well," Lucina said.

"So this time, we're doing it right, and without the opposite gender," Peach grinned.

"We are not doing it in my room," Zelda said.

"Not it!" Lucina yelled.

"Not it!" Palutena said quickly after.

"Not it."

"Not it!"

"Fuck you."

"Should've said it sooner, Sam!"

"Well I didn't know we were doing it!"

"You never know when, it just happens, you gotta react quickly."

"Screw you all."

"I'll get the popcorn."

"Don't forget the chocolate!"

"Did somebody say... CHOCOLATE?!"

"Oh lordy."


"Pal calm your shit."


"Zel, can you go get the snacks."

"That's what I was going to do."

"Kay thanks b."

Zelda sighed and walked out of Samus' room and quickly ran downstairs. She grabbed the two large bags of caramel popcorn they had when she felt two strong arms a wrap around her waist. She smiled.

"Why hello to you too," she said.

"I wanna be with you," Link said. "I can pretend I'm a girl, I do have a cheerleading costume."

"Um, what?"


"Oookay, but, nope," she turned around and poked his nose. "It's girls night, and boys night, so  go on and be with them." She reached behind him and touched his back. Then snatched the cream soda bottle out of his hands and ran right out of there.

"Wha- Hey!" Link gasped and reached for her but she already was at the stairs.

"Sorry, should've ran away with it sooner," Zelda gave him a quick wink and ran back to Samus' room.

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