let it begin

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You guys know I love you all, right?



Zelda sat in her bed. She sighed in relief. She was finally back at the castle, away from all the damn drama. Man did she really need that. It was the last day of the annual End of Winter Festival, one that lasted three days. And on the last day, that's when the ball occurred. The Winter's End Ball, a time everyone in Hyrule was excited for. And Zelda was very excited for this one. Not only would her friends be there, but for once. She actually felt pretty confident.

"Man I really needed to get away didn't I?" Zelda chuckled to herself. She stood up and walked to her dresser, where her dress was long waiting for her. She smirked. It was a lavender deep v-neck dress with a puffy skirt, and she loved it. Even if it did reveal quite a bit of her, figure. It was also long sleeve, so she didn't have to worry about... those. She still covered them up with make up though. Just in case. After she put on her dress, she did her make up, and was about to do her hair when there was a knock at the door.

"Come in," she said. She was surprised when the door slammed open. It was considered rude for staff to slam the door open like that, especially when it was hers.

"BIIIIITCH" Never mind, it's completely normal.

"Oh goddess save me," she muttered. Samus ran in her room (the other girls close behind) and put her arm around Zelda's shoulders, while using her other hand to pat her head.

"How dare you leave us behind with all those... men," Samus sneered at that.

"I'm sorry!" Zelda chocked out.

"Jeebus Christ Sam! Let her be!" Palutena said.

"Since when do you say 'Jeebus?'" Lucina asked. Palutena shrugged.

"Ooooo I love the dress," Peach said and put a hand on her shoulder.

"Why thank you," Zelda grinned. They stayed silent for a bit.

"Glad to see you doing better," Samus smiled.

"Yeah, you seem a lot happier, which makes me happy," Peach grinned and hugged her.

"Yeah, I just needed to get away for a bit, you know? No offense by the way."

"Of course, mental health is prior," Lucina said.

"Yeah, well, we have a ball to get ready for! Let's go!" Palutena cheered.

"You guys have your dresses?" Zelda asked.

"Yep, right here!" Peach grinned and took them out of a large bag she was carrying.

"Do you have... those?"

"Yep, and they're very well hidden, don't worry," Lucina winked.

"Sorry to get you guys dragged up in this," Zelda said.

"Eh, don't worry about it, I have been looking for some fun for a while," Samus said. "Now, we better get ready. We're gonna have some fun!"


The ball had begun. This year's ball was themed Weapons and Armor. Usually, the theme was winter, but this was a special occasion.

The boys waited by the center of the ballroom. They had their weapons equipped to their backs, or hips. The men had in the open, while ladies had it beneath their skirts.

They didn't know why, but the guys couldn't help but feel nervous. It didn't feel right to bring a weapon to a ball, but it was for the better good.

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