TP, OH Short Special: Mistletoe

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Hello friends

No this isn't part 2 of the last chapter

Instead we're gonna do a little breather

And we gonna have some fun

Kay bye bye muah

-Em :)


'Twas the night of Christmas. Everyone in Casa Smash was gathered around the chimney, telling tales of their pasts Christmas with their families. They were... chaotic to say the least.

"And that's how I nearly burned my neighbor's house down," Link finished.

Everyone kind of stared at him for a bit, unblinking.

"What?" He said.

"You... you burned you're neighbor's house," Robin said.


"Still... what the hell?!"

"Anyway... how about we play a little game?" Palutena smirked.

"I saw those mistletoes, and we are not doing it," Samus said.

"Oh, but already are,"  Palutena said. "Look above."

Samus wearily looked up at the ceiling, and noticed a little green and red there. Oh boy. She looked to her right. It wasn't Ike. It was Peach.


"Oh hell yaw."


"Peach, look above you." She looked up, gasped a little, then turned to Samus.

"Are you a good kisser?"


"What? It doesn't have to be long, it can be a quick peck."

"Ooooo, girls kissing," Roy smirked. Ike slapped him.

"I do not approve of this."

"Awww, do you not like your girlfriend kissing a girl?" Palutena teased.

"I AM NOT KISSING PEA-" Samus was interrupted mid-sentence by Peach. And her lips. On hers.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

Peach moved away a few seconds later, and she seemed in deep thought. Everyone else was in utter shock. Except Roy and Palutena who were near the edge of laughing to death.

"Hm, mint," Peach licked her lips, and nodded. "Yep, that's definitely mint, I knew it!"

"Omg, they kissed," Marth said.

"No shit," Shulk said.

"I think Samus is traumatized," Robin whispered.

"Sam, you good?" Ike asked.

"I- you- you just..."

"Very plump, I like them," Peach smirked. Samus gasped, which then quickly turned into a gag. She rushed to the bathroom and slammed the door behind her. Seconds later, the faucet was running, Samus was coughing and gaging loudly.


"Teheee," Peach giggled, "honestly no wonder you date her, Ike, she's got nice lips, I get she's great with them when you two are alone, and she's su-"

"WHOAH WOULD YOU LOOK AT THE TIME I THINK WE SHOULD GO TO SLEEP," Robin interrupted before she went a bit too far. Ike was very grateful, since he was too embarrassed to stop her.

"Mkay," Peach smiled and skipped to her room.

"What?" Pit asked. "Wait what was Peach gonna say?"

"You're too innocent still, Pit," Zelda said and patted his head, that was resting on her lap.

"Well this turned into an interesting night," Lucina said.

"Yep!" Palutena grinned. "Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everybody!"

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